Discover Papakilo

Discover Papakilo is an easy to access collection of various topics pertaining to Papakilo. Topics such as detailed information on Papakilo’s partners, in-depth summaries of the collections within Papakilo, and most recently, the Papakilo Webinar Series that celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the Papakilo Database.

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-=-=- ANCHOR Ali'i Letter Collection ANCHOR-=-=-

Collection of Ali'i letters from 1820-1840 provided by Papakilo partner, Awaiaulu.  These early letters written by ruling chiefs during the first two decades of literacy, prior to the establishment of the constitutional monarch, include personal and offical content along with insight into the non-government society of the early monarchy.  Provided are annotations, historical contextualization, and translations of each letter, referencing individuals, places, and/or events, including the historical significance of the communications.

Search this collection: Ali'i Letter Collection

-=-=- ANCHOR Bishop Museum Collections ANCHOR-=-=-

Various databases from the Bishop Museum's Archive and Archaeology Departments

Search this collection: Bishop Museum Collections

-=-=- ANCHOR Featured Landing Page Banner ANCHOR-=-=-
-=-=- ANCHOR Genealogy Indexes ANCHOR-=-=-

Genealogy Indexes - includes indexes that were prepared by Hawai’i State Archives staff, and the information contained therein was extracted from a variety of records with genealogical information preserved by the Archives. These indexes include Marriage records (1826-1929), Court Records (1848-1915), Probate, Wills (1852-1916), Citizenship (Naturalization 1844-1894, Denization 1846-1898, Passports 1845-1874). Partner: Ulukau

Search this collection: Genealogy Indexes

-=-=- ANCHOR Hawaiian National Bibliography ANCHOR-=-=-

David Forbes' Hawaiian National Bibliographies Volumes 1-4; 1780-1900.

This comprehensive, annotated, multivolume bibliography is a record of all printed works touching on some aspect of the political, religious, cultural, or social history of the Hawaiian Islands-from the first printed notice mentioning the Islands (in a German periodical of January 1780) to the beginning of the twentieth century, when the Islands ceased to be a separate political entity. Volume I covers the period from 1780 to 1830, when exploratory voyages to the northern Pacific had largely concluded and the arrival of improved printing equipment in the Islands resulted in a substantial increase in the number of works printed by the Mission Press in Honolulu. In addition to books and pamphlets, the bibliography includes newspaper and periodical accounts and single sheet publications such as broadsides, circulars, playbills, and handbills because they often contain the only eyewitness or contemporary description of an important event or individual. Entries pertaining to Captain Cook's Third Voyage dominate the first twenty years of the bibliography. They reflect the profound impact of the voyage on both the Hawaiian culture and on nineteenth-century European thought.

Extensive annotations provide a brief summary of approximately 760 published works in the first volume of the bibliography. All known editions of each work are listed, together with the exact title, date of publication, size of the volume, collation of pages, number and type of plates and maps, references, and location of copies. The bibliography will be invaluable to scholars, librarians, rare book sellers, and book collectors within the field of Hawaiiana.

Search this collection: Hawaiian National Bibliography

-=-=- ANCHOR Institute of Hawaiian Language Research & Translation ANCHOR-=-=-


Institute of Hawaiian Language Research and Translation

The Institute of Hawaiian Language Research and Translation (IHLRT) is a collaborative research unit established to provide access and research capacity to the extensive archive of Hawaiian language materials.  IHLRT allows all fields of scholarship in the University, for government agencies, nonprofit institutions, business entities and the community to study the Hawaiian language materials of the 19th and early 20th centuries. While facilitating research, this new entity will provide professional training and innovative learning experiences to a new generation of translation leaders and scholars in all fields related to Hawaiʻi, its people and its history. Mission Statement: To generate access to the resources of the Hawaiian language repository for all fields of study through research, translation and the training of a new cadre of capable resource people.

Dr. Puakea Nogelmeier

Dr. Puakea Nogelmeier is a Professor Emeritus of Hawaiian Language at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and serves as the Executive Director of Awaiaulu, training translators and resource persons to facilitate access to Hawaiian historical materials.


Dr. Kapali Lyon

Dr. Kapali Lyon is an Associate Professor for the Department of Religions and Ancient Civilizations at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and serves as a mentor at IHLRT, training translators and resource persons to facilitate access to Hawaiian historical materials.


  • List of student translators: Uʻilani Au, Kilika Bennett, Kaimana Chock, Iasona Ellinwood, Loke Fergestrom, Paige Okamura, Kapōmaikaʻi Stone, Manakō Tanaka, Jon Yasuda

Search this collection: Institute of Hawaiian Language Research & Translation

-=-=- ANCHOR Ka'imina'auao Ka'eo Database ANCHOR-=-=-

In partnership with the 'Aha Kane Foundation and Hui Iwi Kuamo'o, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs is proud to announce the release of the Ka'imina'auao Ka'eo Database. This collection of records is a comprehensive listing of Hawaiian cultural objects housed by museums in the United States. Created as a tool to assist Native Hawaiian families, practitioners, and researchers in locating Native Hawaiian objects, this listing is intended to support practitioners perpetuating the creation of these objects and claims for repatriation.


Pursuant to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, museums were required to provide Native Hawaiian organizations with summaries of cultural items possibly subject to the provisions of federal law.  The museum records and information provided to Hui Malama I Na Kupuna O Hawai'i and Hui Iwi Kuamo'o were compiled into this database.


To access this collection, click on Collections Outside Hawai'i under the Search by Collection page or CLICK HERE.

-=-=- ANCHOR Newspapers ANCHOR-=-=-

This is a digital collection of historic Hawaiian Newspapers, ranging from 1834 to 1980, that is made available through various collaborations and partnerships with the Awaiaulu, Bishop Museum, DL Consulting Ltd. & Ulukau. This database contains 12,642 issues comprising 69,627 pages and 411,719 articles. 

Due to varying qualities of the newspaper scans, some searchable text, generated by OCR (opitcal character recognition) may contain errors.  To address this, Papakilo utilizes a crowdsourcing effort to make corrections to the identified text to increase accurate searchability within the newspapers.

If you would like to sign-up to be a text corrector, please email

Search this collection: Newspapers

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo 10-year Anniversary Webinar Series ANCHOR-=-=-

As part of the promotion of Papakiloʻs 10 year anniversary, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs shares a 9 part webinar series that features the Papakilo Database, collaborating parnters, the collections that are hosted within, and how they can be accessed.


-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 1.1 Introduction to Papakilo ANCHOR-=-=-

As part of the promotion of Papakiloʻs 10 year anniversary, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs shares a 9 part webinar series that features the Papakilo Database, the collections that are hosted within, and how they can be accessed.

Segment 1 focuses on introducing the Papakilo Database, its origin, as well as a tutorial in how to conduct research queries.,

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 1.2 Introduction to Papakilo ANCHOR-=-=-

As part of the promotion of Papakiloʻs 10 year anniversary, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs shares a 9 part webinar series that features the Papakilo Database, the collections that are hosted within, and how they can be accessed.

Segment 1 focuses on introducing the Papakilo Database, its origin, as well as a tutorial in how to conduct research queries.,


-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 2.1 - Kipuka Database ANCHOR-=-=-

Featured in the May installment of the Papakilo webinar series is Zack Smith, manager of OHAʻs Kīpuka Database, a geographic information system (GIS) that uses the latest mapping technologies to link historic data sets to geographic locations, reinforcing the concept of information embedded in the ʻāina.

Click Here to watch the May 14th webinar.

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 2.2 - Kipuka Database ANCHOR-=-=-

Featured in the May installment of the Papakilo webinar series is Zack Smith, manager of OHAʻs Kīpuka Database, a geographic information system (GIS) that uses the latest mapping technologies to link historic data sets to geographic locations, reinforcing the concept of information embedded in the ʻāina.

Click Here to watch the May 17th webinar. 

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 3.1 - 'Ulu'ulu Digital Moving Image Archive ANCHOR-=-=-

Janel Quirante of ʻUluʻulu: The Henry Kuʻualoha Guigni Moving Image Archive will join us for the third installment of the Papakilo 10-year anniversary webinar series.  She will discuss the various collections from ʻUluʻulu that are hosted in the Papakilo Database, as well as touch upon other collections that are hosted on ʻUluʻuluʻs online archive.

Click Here to watch the June 25th webinar.  

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 3.2 - 'Ulu'ulu Digital Moving Image Archive ANCHOR-=-=-

Janel Quirante of ʻUluʻulu: The Henry Kuʻualoha Guigni Moving Image Archive will join us for the third installment of the Papakilo 10-year anniversary webinar series.  She will discuss the various collections from ʻUluʻulu that are hosted in the Papakilo Database, as well as touch upon other collections that are hosted on ʻUluʻuluʻs online archive.

Click Here to watch the June 28th webinar.

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 4.1 - Hawaiian Language Newspapers (Awaiaulu) ANCHOR-=-=-

he Papakilo Party continues on with the fourth installment of itʻs monthly webinar series featuring Kauʻi Sai-Dudoit and Dr. Puakea Nogelmeier of Awaiaulu. This informative presentation will focus on the Hawaiian Language Newspapers and how these published records included not only news, but announcements, letters, chants and songs, and genealogies.  Join us as we learn how to access these articles and how it can be applied to your research.

Click Here to watch the July 16th webinar.

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 4.2 - Hawaiian Language Newspapers (Awaiaulu) ANCHOR-=-=-

The Papakilo Party continues on with the fourth installment of itʻs monthly webinar series featuring Kauʻi Sai-Dudoit and Dr. Puakea Nogelmeier of Awaiaulu. This informative presentation will focus on the Hawaiian Language Newspapers and how these published records included not only news, but announcements, letters, chants and songs, and genealogies.  Join us as we learn how to access these articles and how it can be applied to your research.

Click Here to watch the July 19th webinar. 

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 5.1 - Ali'i Letters, East Coast & Hawaiian National Bibliographies Collections (Awaiaulu) ANCHOR-=-=-
-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 5.2 - Ali'i Letters, East Coast & Hawaiian National Bibliographies Collections (Awaiaulu) ANCHOR-=-=-
-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 6.1 - Genealogy Research ANCHOR-=-=-

Hosted by OHAʻs Research Division, rewatch the sixth installment of Papakiloʻs monthly webinar series focusing on utilizing the Papakilo Database for Genealogy Research.  Papakilo Database Manager, Kale Hannahs, and Genealogy Expert, Luci Meyer, discuss the various collections within the Papakilo Database and how they can be applied to Genealogy Research.

Click Here to watch the September 17th webinar. 

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 6.2 - Genealogy Research ANCHOR-=-=-

Hosted by OHAʻs Research Division, rewatch the sixth installment of Papakiloʻs monthly webinar series focusing on utilizing the Papakilo Database for Genealogy Research.  Papakilo Database Manager, Kale Hannahs, and Genealogy Expert, Luci Meyer, discuss the various collections within the Papakilo Database and how they can be applied to Genealogy Research.

Click Here to watch the September 20th webinar. 

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 7.1 - Hula Preservation Society ANCHOR-=-=-

As part of OHAʻs celebration of the Papakilo Databaseʻs 10-year celebration, the seventh installment of the Papakilo Webinar Series highlights collections from the Hula Preservation Society.  With 14 collections hosted within Papakilo, the Hula Preservation Society offers a wide variety of historical ʻike from Hawaiʻiʻs hula community and the organizationʻs founder, Aunty Nona Beamer.

Click Here to watch the October 18th webinar. 

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series - 7.2 - Hula Preservation Society ANCHOR-=-=-

As part of OHAʻs celebration of the Papakilo Databaseʻs 10-year celebration, the seventh installment of the Papakilo Webinar Series highlights collections from the Hula Preservation Society.  With 14 collections hosted within Papakilo, the Hula Preservation Society offers a wide variety of historical ʻike from Hawaiʻiʻs hula community and the organizationʻs founder, Aunty Nona Beamer.

Click Here to watch the October 22th webinar.

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series -8.1 - Bishop Museum ANCHOR-=-=-

As one of the original partners of the Papakilo Database, the Bishop Museum has contributed a number of vital collections that users access on a regular basis.  From the Hawaiian Language Newspapers and the Hawaiian Ethnological Notes, to the Stokes and Sullivan Collections, the material provided by the Bishop Museum are among the highest accessed collections.

Click Here to watch the November 12th webinar to learn more about the value of the collections provided by the Bishop Museum.

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series -8.2 - Bishop Museum ANCHOR-=-=-

As one of the original partners of the Papakilo Database, the Bishop Museum has contributed a number of vital collections that users access on a regular basis.  From the Hawaiian Language Newspapers and the Hawaiian Ethnological Notes, to the Stokes and Sullivan Collections, the material provided by the Bishop Museum are among the highest accessed collections.

Click Here to watch the November 15th webinar to learn more about the value of the collections provided by the Bishop Museum.

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series -9.1 - Mahele Records ANCHOR-=-=-

The final segment of the Papakilo webinar series will focus on land title research and how to utilize the Māhele Record collection within the Papakilo Database.  Document the privatization of land in Hawaiʻi, the Māhele Records consist of the Land Commission Awards, Royal Patents, Native and Foreign Testimony, and Native and Foreign Register, and are a tremendous value ofr Hawaiʻi land researchers.

Click Here to watch the December 12th webinar.

-=-=- ANCHOR Papakilo Webinar Series -9.2 - Mahele Records ANCHOR-=-=-

The final segment of the Papakilo webinar series will focus on land title research and how to utilize the Māhele Record collection within the Papakilo Database.  Document the privatization of land in Hawaiʻi, the Māhele Records consist of the Land Commission Awards, Royal Patents, Native and Foreign Testimony, and Native and Foreign Register, and are a tremendous value ofr Hawaiʻi land researchers.

Click Here to watch the December 15th webinar.

-=-=- ANCHOR Place Names ANCHOR-=-=-

Hawaiian Place Names Collection - Compiled from the Records of the Boundary Commission and The Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Collected and annotated by Lloyd J. Soehren. Partner: Ulukau

Search this collection: Place Names