The Liberal, Volume I, Number 52, 11 March 1893 — NOTES. [ARTICLE]
3ix aionta s ago aauexationi?t= were woefully scarce. 4 The Examiner's reportcr XQun4 but one white anndxatiomst* ia the House # J. Aadersoa of M&kawao, Maui. Everyone ou the outside was oa the feace, excepting A. S, HarVftelJ and Dr. Jaha McGrew. Dr. Mc<3rew | has been oa anuexationirTt for the. last tweaty-five years. In fact | ever since his arrival in Hawaii. j He has con<icicntiously retaiued his | Americau citlzenship. Never ia-, terferiug in Hawaiiau polities, not' e'ven to the extent of a vote, the Doctor should have beeu oue of Uie j first thought of as a represeutative i auuexatiouist. His absence from j the Advi,«ory Couneil has heea eommeated upon more thau oaee. He j Is eertaiuly as mueh, aad evea more entitled to recognition from the P. Cf. than any other man ia Hawaii nei. . Sawed-off Dau Logan of the Bulietia is excessively v: Dt ,: cti l, e of Ute. His present aped oI gali is ocoftsioued by the politicai zephyra whioh Uav>e rud,ely juggled with his whiskers, aad the lact that |. Builetia «loek is not wanted at | An>' price. Considering that this Jaumaa curlo will shortly cease its career as a jouraaiist (?) I bear it no maliee, but oa the coatrary um aimost iaclined to»pīty it. This space being too valuabie to man appeddlx, I prouißf to restrain myself as far as possible from paying furlher heed to the ineoherent mutteriugs of this creature until it ac«iuire.T- its fuli growtl:. If there is anythiog disgusting } It fs the spectacle of man so overcome wfth greed as to be lost to all %ense of shame. This is a very us;ual spectucle in Hawaii, and particular cases would create no mentioh, unles3 specially brought to mind. A apeeimen of this nature has l>een brought to mind by the iejection of the applie&iion of a young man for a [>osition b> reavjn that no change was eontemp!ated. The present incumbeai has a private positioa paving him $200 moathly, He receives in addltiou $175 moathiy salary from his government billet. If this is not avarlcioufc, what is? same mao, it 16 said, was oae of the Btation Heuae crowd, and yet thore is oo chauge conteaiptated. Thv eonf!icting motive- ōf the member? oī the Citixens Bights League have cause<l h >pllt īn that body. Tbe natfve element have withdrawn amlformed the Patriofic League. The PatriotSc Le#gue, a> yet f āo not kww exa>Hy what the obJect «'>f tfK;> extet«snc« is. Tbey vnmtfo pse-or>e{h«!f in:iepen<Jetwe, but ju-t how they ar*? go!ng dc> thi>s : h vrhere th? «'leklee iut i f?ie | Citi/,en Ktght-4 L« tt uo Wi g a • U i tter īdea of theii fntentlon, But I all they have i* the idea, as the ! natt*ve vfng the I Ttnwt a on f<*>t, however, I to <«hoomaffman" the natfv»-* l!ntoa eealHlon, m «=« to the \ K?ntlr»i«ited m»3s roeeting a r;tsmerl- ! r-*t «meee^ 4 » ! 11. vo> W rrnri n Jr. I I Att Kloqn«at Apv««l--j t.;iidcr tu« iU t Ru<? u » iii • -~tr= <:: j,.' * ir< r . :: f r , ' <>r »n <>f Amlamp K i ut.ui stoppt«l aiiii s*.ml!y īb> . m", 'I '• m.V:. f"- ¥."? \+< i iry th»t c?*U-trof»h« o.:ct>rr«Ht of whi--;. j yo« bwa tfc* v^ctin- ! .' ,, ; * I eaa'i ull l lu- pait>ini;*K 'so ■• Lj-3n 1?« j i i T ?tlc'^!a.