Nuhou, Volume II, Number 19, 30 September 1873 — There is a Reservoir [ARTICLE]

There is a Reservoir

Upon whieh the Ciovcrmaeut iuigl:t etup wuik witbout detnment to tjhe jjublie iut€icet, 1101withstiinuing the a!aruiiiig searcity of %vater! We mean the bixilding whieii i 5 re6ervoh' that in now absorbicg puhlie mouej mueh neede«l for a reservoir of another eort, |However let us not co|nplain, but try auU bt thankful for the blessings we have. Ihe city maj be desolated by a devoifring lire, uneheeked ibr want of water; but stillj for all that we are going to have an olegant 1 oijeigu Offiec finiBhed anei freseoed in grand etyle, maj iuspire soii>i 6tatesmanship, whieh the old barn ou Fori Streei uttcily faile to do. Thej lepers muj consume out revenue, eommerce leave our j,ort, and planter.h»Dg t-heir harps 011 th<» |i>pout of tiieir • Lneie,' the "golden spiderstjill for «II that, our lntcrior Departmehfc will be gradouslj dispeused in marble halle. We maj be all hard up, so thar poi and a malo shall be fegarded as a competene=, yet wl)y ehall we grumble, wheu our Fiuanet' shall be administered, t|iat is our public monev eliall be paid out to Ministers and other worihv einecurists m a paiuted aad out of an ornamental eash bos. And baukruptej, ruin. atid evcry eoneeivab!e ill that flcsh is heir to, and |tbat thc law provides may blight our livei, ,and lead iia onward to the sileut tomb, jet whv eomplain. when the nation's ehoeeu espuuudcr 0 ; tbe !aw. r.nd ohampion m t!;e Court6 of Justice, ehall reeeiv«« amid the of art aiid aniitecture a recewed legal aeumen aad a forciisicpower, whieh ln;mbler roofs an.i scenes utterlv failed to iDppire ? ! * t?icse aie eomeiaplale» aad ct u!? 00 oontent; ii tlie dcstrojer 6bouli eome h\ anj ehape, aad sweep awaj our in of onr npt an auoiiiona reservolr ? whieli might b,ave beeu huili w'ah uk now | ouriog iueo tjhe Goverameut rx*crvoir or fu\n \vbeucc u will spouc in everia6tiue. ntia mcxl:austiMe streau^ —iheu we uiaj rstirc to t!ie hei£iits oi l]o\vI r and froui that ?creiu\ v\MUcwp!aUve poiut of vicw, look down wuli tome uaeiouai pride t and a gratified aimir ■ Uou u|x>u tbe nohle offieia! retreats of our iiiu1™ the herocs of the Xower ot I>arras, !

41. ft. I. M; }J. outoi~our iiatbor 10 a. m. on Sun% last. liiis liueeiau Bbip cf w-,n- luw left b«iūnd iacasant Kminkeenee* of its staj hcrc, aud ita officcre Uvc aone f<> c:isurc .i CvrJial Vfck\Huc Xor tbgee oi tWr eountrvmcu wbo uiajy eoae artcr thcm; but wo wouia hope that d>e ncst Kufsiau gcntlcmci. we h*ve to vccivvmc in ilonoiuiu «Ui bo our n" &K > d& of the AsiiM.