Nuhou, Volume II, Number 15, 16 September 1873 — THE KING'S MESSAGE TO THE MUTINEERS. [ARTICLE]
j The t'oliowing is a t|panslation of the wrilten j sent yesterdaj jbj Ilis Maje*tj to the e>A~ jdiers in thc Barracks. | lt is not proper!v a pubj iici document, and ite pqblieation h at the reque{?t j of those to whom it was addressed. j, LUNALILO, Kin<* of the llawaiian to mj eubjects now asscjmbleu at iiie Barraeks Jd . Honolulu. j j |When three of jour pumber eame to iue at mv desire the other daj» I jlid not at that time fulij express all I had in mind to saj to jou ; It ls j well that jou have to-4aj sent again to inquire j of| me, as to mj wishjes, anu therefore I eliall plaee in writing I ha\e to eaj to jou, elearlj aud distinctlj, t|o thut jou maj nll undevet4nd. And ī desire|to faj, mj people, t!iat thpse are mj final wovcls of explanatloD and dii reption.j j ilt is mj Ueēii'e that jou read this mj 3lessage j with care, that jou maj ful!j understaou it, J I was gratiSed in mef ting the mes?engers waom jqu sent to me on tlie first anl a!so to leam that jou had obejed mj eommand> seut through them, whieh ,1 now repeat in tbis writ~ in|g, in order that jou Amj all elearlj understaa<L j I require jou| to listen to ihe worus of vour Fatlier. 1 . I , ...... . . . ~L . . . 'Soeond, That jou\lo nothing In eontravention of the laws of the lanel. wlueh we ]};ive ourselYes mjade v ' ; - ;If jou will vbserve |he?e. then al! wHI be wea peacefui. Xhereljore, mj loving 1 trust that jou will give immiahiii attention and obedienee to this irjstruction and eoinmaiKli whieh is this : ' | I Tkat at onee, and }Kacealli/\ rc!in^idsh of aīl nt $ropa iy t of t t and <ksrription \n th>* Ba*r<ics< % ann drpart, }nac< at?y> * aeh ly *f\ -o **$ur aivn homes. m<f rfmki>! arj r thc Jaic* o/our counfrt/, 'īf yo« ehall OIH7 iaj c.:ar.;;u.d, t!kon l wili be on jovi ! r sule, a Fachcr to Uis ehneli-en. 1 wil! ycu from injurj. ' uot if jou are jtoeeetleu agaius: u H or laws of tlie eoui)trj, for lieiv am I, v*mr Father, to taie ckre of }ou. | Trnrt m me, for wit|i me if t!ie j\nver forjjive and release jou, ! _ Tb«e W laet \vords te let everj eiie lipten aad obey—give Juj> everj ;\rtie!e of Goveruynt rroivrtj uow iu| U e Pam'k*, j<aceal% home, and look to nn\; yonr Father, who lias power to par*Joa vou. | , r>v-.Deat \y : Mkiki, tKis :it', U-.U- ~f ScDteiubcr, IS,o. t!ie Kuig : Ll'N ALILO K. Cit.vs, R. Bisuor, Minister ;vt TTai.