Nuhou, Volume II, Number 15, 16 September 1873 — Even the Church [ARTICLE]

Even the Church

Ooiuiomn# t'k- Mīnistors. Tbc Kov. !Mr. }~ rc ar cspontnk\l t! 10 followmg worJs; ••AuJ as scrvnnt wne b«sy 'horo unJ thcrc, ho (a cort;uu prieoncr in chargo) wae gouc," iu a way to siww vory forcibly aud l«cidlj tbo great siu of uogligencc ou tbe part of public uion, aud fullj eudoreovl our views in njepect to tbe woak, uikduevoti'? jx\liey of tbe MiDistcrs.