Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 September 1873 — The Succession. [ARTICLE]

The Succession.

j We wgard nn iuipropcr subjcct t j lu. leinee it has t>ccu moj>tcd, tlie Bativcs lieM a eiee: ing yesteidaj cveoiujg at Kauuialiaiiu to Otiscu> it. R«olutions weie offorcd iti rcspC\-; to t' Succcssioo, but wcrv kid on tk lal'le. Mr Tc. !*«r (inm, who madc some tciaarks iv2eo!in£ u t 1 00 <®® of tbc movcrs of tUe rosolutiou* ! ||to be a ooted cbicf) was suma*stnv sUeuc<d\ «» «Ogrj asseiabtaie, atut threatitu\i witlv v*.* le»t cxpulsion,' '■ *' f, ' : ■■'■« s;

1 SP E<iuanim!tv KotVu-g ai?rc cic.irlf kvJ. ( cates Kmk, eiluealiok an<3 «cvsi scusc ajuc'Ag eie . auil wouiea, tbai\ cvcun«s? e!" tcui£cr,. aui C_ ; coiwhvat *!esirv to ylc«isc. . - — - - --i - * j"~L- :