Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 September 1873 — Mutiny at the Barracks. [ARTICLE]
Mutiny at the Barracks.
f \ At 7 P. M. yesterday evening we liad a pailej j with the mutineers. ; The most of thein j ia a placable mood# ,Thej complaioe<.l eerlous?v j (j>f the AdjutaDt Geufral, and of the Captain c: j Drill jsergeant. They say they liad '•een cheatv ' jin food and clotl\iug, and treated almsiteV jwithout <£iuse. Thej would returu at ouee t. i duty if these obnosioue men vsere remo\tj j Thej wished to petiiiou the Kiug to this effec: |oßLbeingrempD?trate<l with about the Larm tac; ! were doing to the pe;|ee of the eountrj auu li., j fcheir aetion might le;'nl to a pretest Tor iuter\e:. j tion of foreign assis{ance, they sakl thej wou'., jdo no vioilenee, had ibtended noue, lnit o" stinate in insistiug |hat these obnosious o®eer fehould be removeu. ;A loaded gun piaute ' Sn the sally port, and in our pi-eteucc a «JeUvl •_ bien were sent to the Punehhowl to stand gjuu' I over the sliotted guus over our lieads. All!tLL - aot meuu iuu<|ti that is scribus, but it ij none the less disgracetul, At\j iufluentiijl oScc jpf the Oovernment, Minister of the King, wh. |ihad any courage or diplomatic tact ougltt t j readily quiet this ditgraes£rt* mutlnj. j| This morniug, 6A. M., before goiug to !the mutinecrs stiU liold the barrack, but| ar |quiet, under the aesiirancc tliat tlieir o'>nosk i j|Offieers will be rcmovcil. | j. e are to lm\c a " Court cf *" : \vliatevor tlmt meana. 1 ' *