Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 September 1873 — War in San Domingo [ARTICLE]

War in San Domingo

Oiv accouut. of the Samana Bay eoneesskm, The rc?olutionary leaders, Luperon and othei\s, are afe war wlfch Baez, have issued a inanife,sto deelamv ' O that Samana Bay has heen coneeded to an Amereompany of jhc * - Oouileieap. peop|e. I?heNew York Trihme says. this eoneession is apparently a sore point with iirat?y of. tfccr t>6'uuni(;aiiis, while it undoubtedly sēeii)s as a pretext for the open armed opposition of many of President Baez*s enemles." What liars the newspaper eorrespondents are, who were iately telling us how deliglited all J)ominiean6 were to eedeapart of their eountry. * Some of the eame mend-ci us elass of seribMers woukl make ifc appeai t > \meriean readers, that Ilawai-; ians are delighted to eede a part of their territory in eonsideration of eertaiu peeuniary advantageB t Now do not believe it, fbr it is far less true than the story of the t)ominean people's aequieseenee in the alienation 6f a bay and a part of their territory. The proposltidn that has been sent to Washiiigtoii ? and whieh ought not to have k-en and would not have been sent by men of any brains or statesmans!up will not be vespeet-! Tully eonsidered by thispeople, norby,thisjournal,] either now or hereafter, Reetproeity wltli alll the world, but no eession of territory, '

HF In tliat letter Jn the AVk,< /,<7fer the wvitov f of of Pcarl llarbor \Vhat j wnter in ouv mid?t (ises \vords w it'aout a propor .n-preetatioß of tbelr meanin* n' appli-! ention? "■ j