Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 September 1873 — Exceptis Excipiendis. [ARTICLE]

Exceptis Excipiendis.

it hnth evcr l>ecn the plea?ii)g datj ol the ; Xacx Letier tolaeerate, ilagellate, vulnerate and 1 annihilate the high par?onie powers. Manv a ! sacerdotal eorpse owes its intinition to our ana- ! tomic, anti-dogmatic and eontra-stuek up-pulpitici | knife. We haTe ? however, a kee» eje for tlie' ! analysis of eleries ? aiul ean separate with judlcu\l ! impartiality the sheep fiv>m the goats. WhensoS cver. ! therefore, our soal discernet!i a really good, j hard working ? ar,d true hearted | olerg}ii[ian } provided only he be a gentleman and! ! a schohr to boot—who soiinds the loud timbrel! :of eommendation so glnldlj as do we? Sueh an ' 1 one. of the true Pauline stamp, do we reeognke ■ in a stranger but reeentlj eome among us, Areh- : deacon Mason ? late of the Sandvvieh Tsland?, and ! now Mmister of Trinity Chapel, erst St. Alban % s! ! Chureh. Ile will be horvified when he reads thisJ | but we ean't help our stjto, llis little ehurch! ; deserves eneourageirton?, for it has fougtit !ts way! ! through evi! and good roport with a persever;inee' |worthy of the saints and of the ' ! The choir boys havo heeii admirably traineu ; the' !stmdav Schoo! is the best hi San FrtUK'iseo, 1 I " ! thanks to the immortal Badger. TTcre only } ' 'among a!l our churehe>, ran one hear t!ie sweet !*cathrdra! serviee of oW Fngland rendered as U; 5 should hc. Mr. Ma?on is an estotnpore preacher' of no mean ordcr, aml his semor*s "arc brlcfj ' terse, caroest and to tk* point. TTe fs a High 1 ' Churehman, but withvmt papistrj , a graduate of ! | Osford and a lipe and eultivated scholar. How 1 |is it that the ehapel i* not filled? We fe;\r he is ' kv sineete and leamM fov oi\r ehtnvh goers ! •i/

j Th.ey prefer the ltev. -~>r u!eaglrs %;,- : Chadband whose diico|irteb are s•' fu]l of sour. !aad fury, signifying nothing/" But the day *- I surely coming when our Christians wIII get eU and such true Cllristlan gentlemeD as M Mason will be appreciated in thīs eommujjity (We pre©ent witb pleasure to our readers t; ab<>ve remarkd a higbly llepan, lately of thi6 epmmunify. Some of o . j precise religionists not think favi>rūbly - ' | the source of this C(jmmendation. but trut' shou!d be reeognized wherever found. and wē a:v of those who wouM aceept a truth from tl DeviL But we don*t that Ilis Sataiiic Majanything to do| with the above statellie^ , :, . a!though it may be deelared by a vigorous e!i j poser of clerical humbug. The Venerable Aro! deaeon is a man who, in his vocation 5 Is qualifie 5 by,nature and educati<jn to the highv-' esteem in saint and sinner alīke. As f>ne of V. lat;ter we pray that this| Christian gentieman m ! liave ample field on that sinful Coast for the | ercise of his labr-r of love m the eause o? !v : Divine Master.] ;