Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — Are we Ruined? [ARTICLE]
Are we Ruined?
If we are in sach a ruinous coiidltiou, ae tbe Peaii Havbor CessioniBts \vant to make out, tbe rcal estate of thi« to\vn oa«jht: to be sellino: for a ° ° song; but we don*t think that any Cessionist propert:y holder is \villing to sacrifiee ; \inless hc i8 one of those who \vants to sell out in order to invest in the Eva town lots. You try to buy a Nuuanu Valley and >ee what you will have ifco pay,—very likely a ruinous priee, and one tha.t indicate that the eovmtry is nearly ruined.