Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — Dandy Ioane [ARTICLE]
Dandy Ioane
Is thought by eome tp be the very man to send to WaBhington to negotiate a treaty ( that is the " ooly saltation M of tho country, Ifc do to £end some Uule weaeoneei, wrmkle4 mm ; eauee he would too fiUingly repvtwnt the condition of things as represonted by the organ of 'All SaintB, But eend our elegant, well built dandy, and people in America wuuld say, there is surely food and elotbes; and a more hopefu! state of aflfairB than we had supposed, where that inan comes from. When p>itited out as tbe Minister 1 Plenipotentiary and Envoy Exti*aordmary of the Baridwich lHlnnds f everJbody in the Benlghted 1 St&tm woukl reoogni7.e und weleome what they j would deem to be a fitting representative of the ! country. But wotildn ? t his stake fenco collars j and tights nnd that eye-glass take the starch out of some of those BroadAVay swells? Tm dollars a <Jay, and plenty of hard poi lreighted to Washington fl>r loane. A līawauan Juau 14 reeeption " would be a perlect rage. 0f oour»« send a lawyer se t Totary to on polnt« c?f n I