Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
35?" Our Minister of Foi'eigu AiTairs hus hean j ihe guardian of the King'B pvoperty ; aud ie now | tbe guavdian of II Is Royal līonor ; and is he pro-! posing or doing not)uDg fco bargain it away ? ! . \ Bound copies of the Firet Quarto of the [ Ni/iiou for $2:75, We bave a few left. You had! better get one in order to preeerve a reeord of tho'| dispug6ions and gosslp of the day; and besides you | will help u8 to carrj on tho war. DQa;t be eouteni to express jour approval pf the *♦' 6picj lilile sheet," 4 Prove jour faith by jour worke. Sub--BeriberB t eall at the offiee, corner of Fort and King! etreets ? as"we are not nmking a bu6iness of thk s work» and don ? t want to dun with bills. 1 Eats,—We never heard the like. Ii is. eaid' that 29 (why not have made it even 30) rate were! eftught at one ttbie in one of. Pilliogham 00/a! Thē rat«B crow(\ into them just like our [ , <rumed M townepeople will to aniMe, or a lottery.: lt is said that one rat eat hie way through auother ; one in order to get m just like wolf did into the lior«e. However, tt ie a ftict, ! that the <mwsm m King Street will prove, that! the traps art using up the vūis jnst llke t!ie! Vrwor doe«, s