Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — "A Clique of Three." [ARTICLE]
"A Clique of Three."
| Tbe 'AH Saintß Orgau says that we mercly ex- i prc-86 the views of a " Clique of Ihree." Who' aro they? We want to know, PerhapB Toio,' Dlck and llarry with whom we are somewhat fa- j miliai'. , llowever,,as we are said to be i£ opposed : to the King/' the " diquemust be a eertain < and two Privy Councillorg f whom we^ know to havc uaod diBi*ospectfuliy, and maligned j our grapious Prince as sharaefully a& did Shimoi! jof oM, Lord ? s Anointed. Ah, but wearealBo ! j "opposed to tho Goverument ;" then in thateaee,; j ifc will be hard to makeout the " clique, ,? bocauKe • j you will have to seareh fbr thcm lu about ' ; j fourtbs of the community f But stop a bit; ive ! j are said to bo £< opposed to the pianting iuierej?Cb; v ■ j in that case we eau makeoutoneof the | sure. Who e!se but the Ishmaelite editor, who ■ on account of his indiscriminate attacks on the' planting interecst had to eell bis papor, whichsale \ he regrete to this day, and the financial condition ■ it hae induced is- what is now affecting.his poli-| tics? Qf this one we aie suie, but of the other! i 4 twOj in accordance with thie designation we are ; not 80 eertain. Agam, we'are eaid "to be " op- j i posed to the intere6ts of Hawaiians. ? * Now. we ! | ean make out somebody. We ihink we ean dis- | cern among the most. notcd Anti. HawaiianSiJ I though natives themselves f two of the three 'we'; I want.; one is a pragmatio, prognosticatmgeditor, ] I anofcher is a "distiiiguished merehant, the " Be- ] | mosthene6 of Ila-waiiand the third one ia | PriTy Couneillor of the King, all of whom are; ! agreed to sell Ilawaiian territory, the honor of the ; i King, aud the independence of the people. If | ! tliese arenot the three, then we doir t know w3)ere ! to iiiul the afc>resaid U cliquc." We know of ! none. —■ oh, yes, we fbrgot, we do—There is ! a eliepie of three. We acknowledge it now— ; | Titree, whose views and feelings we express— | ! —Three, with whosc hopes and aspiratious we ! are identiiied —Three, fbr whom we will go ; ; fchrough thick and thin Three workeve with and thr Tliree watehfut poliii- | eians among the iieeey Oocks. The threejfuithful l ehildren on I.anai, tbat will enable u* to earryon | thc war againsl: the needy, indebted $ "diseO]]tented ' land-gval>bing " Adu]lamUcs,''