Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — The Hide and Tallow. [ARTICLE]
The Hide and Tallow.
Tbe grim, governmeiii; grinder of factB, snys in making a figurative presentatīon.' of the eonniiy, that tlie mevehants, plantere ahd ktborere, are its bone sinew and musele aiui we want to know what are the graziers? Are they not the hide that binds tbe whole aniiaal' together, and something more besides? So, next tirne you make your fjg«rative ēmuneration of the paris of the eorporate, politieal animal, and want to make an appeal that wil! flatter everj interest of tbe.eotmtry, apeak in thie wise : " What mean t.iie urgenfc petitions to the government from thc merchante, the planters, the )i\borers, awd the grāsrierd; tbe bone, the Hinew, tbe muscle, the jiide and talk>w, the fiesli and bloocl, and Aeeee of tho