Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 7, 1 July 2023 — Memories of Miloli'i [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Memories of Miloli'i


By Maiya Magaoay, Grade 8, Waimea Middle Public Conversion CharterSchool Aloha. 'O M a i y a Hulaliokahokuaumaikui-

holi Magaoay a 'o Miloli'i ko'u kahua pa'a. Miloli'i is a wonderful plaee. Miloli'i is known as the last fishing village. I would like to share my relationship with Miloli'i with you. Miloli'i is where my mom and her siblings were raised. And although I didn't grow up there, we visit a lot. It's one of my favorite places in the world. Miloli'i feels like home. When I'm there I'm happy and comfortable and it is never short on fun. Sometimes we don't visit for long periods of time, but when we do go back it's like I never left. Some of the best memories I have of the area are of us (cousins, friends, siblings) diving, fishing, camping, jumping off the high tower, and of course, playing ragtag. The wharf is the landmark. The high tower is where you ean jump off and have so mueh fun. If you have little siblings and relatives, I recommend them to go to the low tower. If it is low tide do not jump straight out jump to the right side! The wharf is a great plaee to swim for everyone. Some things that you should do in Miloli'i are swimming, diving, and fishing. A great plaee to go swim-

ming is at the awa (harbor). It is perfect for the aunties and uncles to go swimming because it is like brackish water. When you are diving, I recommend you go diving around the wharf and more out towards the deeper ends. When you are going, use a regular three-prong spear for fish that is not too small and not too big. The same thing goes for spearguns. When you are fishing you ean go literally everywhere. There are different types of fishing like shore casting. Another type of fishing is "throw net." Throw net is when you go on the rocks and look for the fish that you want and then you throw the net in the water to catch it. When you pull in the net make sure you are pulling it in very carefully - but fast at the same time. There is a certain type of net that you need to use. Another type of fishing that you ean do is opelu fishing. 'Opelu fishing is a type of fishing that a lot of the people that live there practice. 'Opelu fishing is when you go on the wa'a (eanoe), paddle out into deep areas and then you plaee your palu (fish bait) into something like a handkerchief. Ihen you throw it out into the water. Some people will even jump out of the wa'a and put a net under the fish that swim up to get the palu. My favorite memory of Miloli'i is of kūpuna making a net for opelu fishing and throwing net. Kūpuna are so graceful and wise in Miloli'i. ■