Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 8, 1 August 2021 — A Vision for the Future Part 3 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

A Vision for the Future Part 3


The last three properties to talk about in Kaka'ako Makai are Lots E, I, and L. Lot L has tremendous value as is, given the limited dock side warehouse space on Honolulu Harbor. While Lot I is directly across Ala Moana Boulevard from a Kamehameha Schools development, "Ihe Collection," any business development here would be hampered by the crossing of Ala Moana Boulevard. There are vdiu. aie

several entities, including the City and County of Honolulu, that have expressed interest in purchasing Lot I from OHA. While we could continue to explore options for a development of our own, OHA could take the cash and put it to-

wards either the development ideas already laid out over the last two months, the purchase of other properties, or the Native Hawaiian Trust portfolio for investment. This brings us back to Lot E. A development consortium is interested in doing an affordable housing project here using the existing structure. What makes this different from what was proposed at the State Legislature is that it is not seeking a height variance from the state to add maximum density. It has support from the city, whieh is willing to provide funding for the project. The developers are providing all the additional funding and OHA would not have to provide any money, while still having control of the eommercial space and a percentage of the units. While the city funding would be contingent on the project remaining in plaee for a minimum of 65 years (or the tens of millions of dollars put up by the city would have to be paid back), if OHA develops housing somewhere else and relocates the tenants from Lot E, then the entitlements from the city would transfer over as well and OHA would be free to redevelop Lot E. This project could

move forward in a matter of months and would not only provide mueh needed affordable housing for our heneheiaries, but it would also be a short-term solution for a building that is basically sitting vacant. For the long term, Lot E is well-lo-cated for a vertical tech park. With the State of Hawai'i's new high-speed underwater internet eahle that will eome up right into Kaka'ako Makai this would be an ideal location for such a project. It would allow Native Hawaiian entrepreneurs to have their businesses located in the heart of urban Honolulu and allow

OHA to create an incubator for Native Hawaiian tech eompanies as just one example of the possibilities to a vertical tech park location. On the broader vision for these types of development ideas for OHA we turn our eyes west to Nā Lama wehi lu iNa j_,aiiia

Kukui on Nimitz Hwy. This property, whieh has quadrupled in value since being acquired by OHA, sits within the transportation-oriented development corridor of Honolulu. OHA will be able to take advantage of all the entitlements that eome with that to not only increase the height of a new development but its density as well, to provide affordable, workforce housing for Native Hawaiians that is not only walking distance to downtown Honolulu, but right next to a major rail station. OHA would also be able to partner with other landowners in the area to increase housing density whieh would create a thriving eommunity in the area, all affordable, all accessible, and all within OHA's reach without lobbying to change laws or obtain the legislature's permission. I hope you have appreciated a vision of what OHA could accomplish. Hopefully, it ean heeome a reality versus a continued fight with lawmakers, and not just one Trustee's vision. ■

Brendon Kalei'āina Lee Trustee, At-large