Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 8, 1 August 2021 — July 4 Airport Protest Against HB499 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

July 4 Airport Protest Against HB499

Airports ocross the pae 'ōino experienced mojor congestion on July 4 as 0 result of 0 coordinoted convoy to protest HB 499, whieh heeome low on July 8. Protest orgonizers point out thot the business-friendly law disregords ongoing ond unsettled cloims to lond held by the Kingdom of Hawoi'i ot the time of the overthrow, ond unmet finonciol obligotions for the use of thot land to DHHL ond OHA. There were more thon 300 vehicles corrying protestors ot the Daniel K. lnouye lnternotionol Airport in Honolulu, ond 100 more ot the Hilo, Kono ond Kohului oirports. - Photo: Oren Tsutsumi