Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 3, 1 March 2020 — Kona Coffee Cultural Festival Art Contest [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kona Coffee Cultural Festival Art Contest


The Kona Coffee Cultural Festival invites Hawai'i artists of traditional media including oil, acrylic, tempera, watercolor, illustrations, as well as computer graphics and photography to submit original Kona coffee art. The artwork should reflect the Festival's 50th annual theme "Kona, the Gold Standard of Coffees." The deadline for art submissions is Monday, March 20, 2020. Artwork should be delivered to Malia Bolton Hind at the Kona Coffee & Tea Company, or submitted electronically via email to maliabolton@gmail.com. The completed image must be adaptable for use in other media and there should be no typography in the artwork. The winner will be selected by the Kona Coffee Cultural Festival Board of Directors based on artistic execution, marketing adaptation, and conformance to the guiding mission. The selected artist will receive $500 and name recognition on all print collateral, including posters, magazines, rack cards and more. All entries must include contact information. More than 1 00 items returned to loloni Poloee In January the Friends of 'Iolani Palaee welcomed home more than 100 items thanks to a generous donation from the Helen Ladd Thompson Revocable Living Trust. "Many Palaee treasures were lost to time after the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, so we are extremely grateful to receive such well-preserved pieces from an important chapter of Hawai'i's history from the Helen Ladd Thompson family," said Paula Akana, executive director of The Friends of 'Iolani Palaee. The Thompson family donated 113 objects they inherited from their ancestors, Antone and Emily Rosa. Antone Rosa served both King Kalākaua and Queen Lili'uokalani in numerous positions, including as Attorney General and as a Privy

Council member. All items have been carefully preserved by the family, and include numerous royal orders, military accessories, historieal documents and photographs. Also included in the donation is a helmet plate from the Prince' s Own, a volunteer uniformed artillery unit of the Hawaiian Kingdom, whieh inspired the 2019 palaee ornament. Four-Yeor Scholorship Progrom for Notive Howoiians ot Chominode Chaminade University is now accepting applications from Native Hawaiian students for its Ho'oulu Scholarship program. Developed in partnership with Kamehameha Schools, the program was designed to grow the number of Native Hawaiians graduating with degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The four-year scholarship is open to first year and

transfer applicants seeking degrees in the following areas: Biology; Biochemistry; Chemistry; Data Scienee, Analytics and Visualization; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies; Forensic Sciences; and Nursing. The scholarship provides full tuition for four years, consideration for a partial housing subsidy for neighbor island or rural students, wraparound academic support services to promote ontime graduation, and participation in Chaminade's four-year graduation guarantee. It also provides access to post-graduate career paths via Chaminade's suite of agreements with medical and graduate schools, paid internships for professional development, and financial support for career development activities such as MCAT and GRE preparation. Now in its fifth year, the Ho'oulu Scholarship gives preference to applicants of Native Hawaiian ancestry to the

extent permitted by law. To date, 125 students have received Ho'oulu scholarships to attend Chaminade. The applieahon submission deadline is March 16, 2020. For an application, visit chaminade.edu/ hooulu. CNHA Lounches Kohiou Community Assistonce Progrom The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) has launched its new Kahiau Community Assistance Program (KCAP), a statewide grant to provide emergency financial assistance to low-ineome Native Hawaiians. Through a one-time emergency financial assistance award of up to $2000, KCAP is intended to provide stability for Native Hawaiians facing hardship due to unexpected crises or emergency situations. KCAP is made possible through

a $1.66 million grant from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and paid partnerships with Hawaiian Community Assets, Solutions Pacific and Homestead Community Development Corporation to reach the Native Hawaiian community statewide. The program is designed to assist Native Hawaiian beneficiaries whose incomes are at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for Hawai'i. It will address unexpected life events such as loss of ineome, loss of employment due to layoff, debilitating illness or injury, etc. KCAP will provide direct financial assistance to qualified individuals and families to stabilize their situation. For more information about KCAP, including funding parameters, eligibility, the online applieahon process and more, please visit http://www. Hawaiiancouncil.org/kahiau/. Free Tox Preporotion Services We are in the midst of tax season, and with changing tax laws and complicated forms, filing our taxes is something most of us dread. The good news is that there are free tax preparation services available for kūpuna, for families earning less than $56,000, and for those with disabilities. Kūpuna (anyone 50+) ean access free in-person tax preparation in Hawai'i through the AARP Foundation's "Tax-Aide" program in collaboration with Catholic Charities Hawai'i and Goodwill Hawai'i from now through April 15th. "Tax-Aide is a valuable free service that helps thousands of people in Hawai'i," said Keali'i Lopez, state director of AARP Hawai'i. There are 17 sites on O'ahu and 16 on the neighbor islands. Last year in Hawai'i, Tax-Aide volunteers helped nearly 16,000 people file their taxes, and refunds totaled nearly $4.8 million. TofindaTaxAide site or for more information visit https://www.aarp.org/money/ taxes/aarp_taxaide/ or eall toll-free at 1-888-227-7669. Families earning less than $56,000/year and people with dis-

abilities may qualify for free tax preparation serviees via VITA, a programofferedby theIRS. There are 19 VITA sites on O'ahu and 15 VITA sites on the neighbor islands. To loeate a VITA site near you use the VITA Locator Tool https://irs. treasury.gov/freetaxprep/ or eall toll-free at 1-800-906-9887. Mana Up in Waikiki In collaboration with Mana Up, YWCA O'ahu and Kamehameha Schoos, the Royal Hawaiian Center is now hosting "House of Mana Up" a special, extended pop-up that will bring loeal products to the heart of Waikīkī. "We're extremely proud to spotlight entrepreneurs of Hawai'i," said Monte McComber, Cultural Director for the Center. "With our new House of Mana Up pop-up, shoppers ean get one-of-a-kind products and gifts that represent loeal ingenuity and feature loeal ingredients in new and original ways." The pop-up features dozens of loeal brands showcasing Hawai'i's diverse cultures and unique sense of plaee. House of Mana Up will curate a rotation of brands and include an array of products including health and beauty, food and beverage, art and fashion, and specially designed gift sets. "We want shoppers to feel like they walked into a loeal home, filled with stories and products that eapture the experiences they've had in Hawai'i," said Meli James, eofounder of Mana Up. "Mahalo to Royal Hawaiian Center and Kamehameha Schools for investing and supporting loeal entrepreneurship." House of Mana Up opened in late January and is located on the ground level of Building A. CCH Welcomes New Executive Director Last month Conservation Couneil for Hawai'i (CCH) announced their selection of Moana Bjur as the organization's new Executive Director. CCH is Hawai'i's oldest nonprofit wildlife conservation organization and in her new role, Bjur will lead their efforts to

address the many challenges facing Hawai'i's native wildlife and the fragile ecosystems they depend upon. Bjur is a descendant of Kawaihapai from the north shore of O'ahu. She has more than 20 years of experience developing and implementing conservation, environmental, educational and community engagement programs for keiki to kūpuna here in Hawai'i. Before joining CCH, Bjur was the Assistant Executive Director at Waimea Valley. "We are thrilled to weleome Moana as CCH's new Executive Director," said Dr. Rachel Sprague, CCH Board President. "CCH has a longstanding history as a voice for our imperiled native species, and we look forward to Moana leading our important work to protect and restore Hawai'i's native wildlife and wild places for future generations." Ten 0riginal Songs Featured at the 100th Annual Song Contest This year will be the 100th Annual Kamehameha Schools Song Contest and in celebration of this milestone, the students will present 10 original songs. The theme this year is "I Mau Ke Aloha 'Āina," and for the first time in the history of the contest, every song that will be presented was written and composed by the students. The songs are about a wide range of topics within the theme including learning from Kaho'olawe, celebrating Mālama Honua, paying tribute to Kalaupapa and protecting the 'ōhia lehua. These are the stories of our lāhui today, through the lense of aloha 'āina, composed by its youth as part of the ongoing

mo'olelo of Hawai'i for future generations. The annual event will be on Friday, March 20th at 7:00 p.m. at the Neil Blaisdell Center. The pre-show will be broadcast at 6:00 p.m. on KFVE, and the contest will be broadcast live on KGMB. For more information and to view music videos created by the students and their kumu, go to https:// www.ksbe.edu/songcontest/2020/ inshowlivepreview/. Bamboo Ridge Goes Digital Fans of loeal literature are now able to access out-of-print works from Bamboo Ridge Press online and absolutely free! Paper disintegrates, ink fades and library books are sometimes lost or stolen, so to preserve Bamboo Ridge's past titles as it continues to publish into the future, all out-of-print and nearly out-of-print issues have been digitized thanks to a grant from the Hawai'i Council for the Humanities. The eolleehon will be housed on the Kapi'olani Comunity College Repository where all issues will be downloadable and free to the public. The archive is an ongoing project and labor of love that will be a resource for generations of readers to eome. Additional funding is necessary for further digitization. If you would like to participate in this project, please consider making a donation via their website at www. bambooridge .eom. KSH Presents First-ever Hula Drama Kamehameha Schools Hawai'i's 17th annual Hō'ike will break new ground with the school's first-ever hula drama honoring Princess Ruth Ke'elikōlani. Kumu Kalehua Simeona wrote most of the mele and created the storyline for this year' s production. Ke'elikōlani is significant to the history of Kamehameha Schools, as Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop inherited the bulk of her estate from her. The presentation is entitled "Ke'elikōlani: Moku A'e Ka Pawa" whieh references

the reawakening of Hawaiian eonciousness. The Hō'ike will be presented on March 12 and 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the school's Koai'a Gymnasium at the Kea'au Campus. Tickets range from $5 (keiki) to $20 (VIP) and are available presale or at the door. For more information go to ksbe.edu/ kshhoike or eall 982-0669. Kū'ē Petitions: A Mau Loa Aku Nō Released in February

Kaiao Press, an imprint of Native Books, ine., in partnership with Friends of the Judiciary History Center, released the publication Kū 'ē Petitions: A Mau Loa Aku Nō last month. "The Kū'ē Petitions hold a special significance to our

lāhui," says Maile Meyer, founder of Native Books, "as historical documents, they mark a pivotal time in the history of our islands." In 1897-98, Hui Hawai'i Aloha 'Āina mounted a massive poliheal drive, collecting more than 21,000 signatures for the "Palapala Hoopii Kue Hoohuiaina," a petition against the annexation of the Kingdom of Hawai'i by the United States. Submitted to the U.S. Congress, the Kū'ē Petitions (as they are now commonly known) were successful in defeating the treaty of annexation. They then fell into obscurity before re-entering the consciousness of the lāhui in 1998, when scholar Noenoe K. Silva found them at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. The book features all of the 556 petitions in full-color, along with compelling essays by 'ōiwi authors Jonathan Kay Kamakawiwo'ole Osorio, Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio, Nālani Minton and Noenoe K. Silva. The book retails for $148.00. ■

CCH's Jonee Peters, Les Welsh and new Executive Director Moana Bjur