Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 1, 1 January 2020 — A New Vision for Affordable Housing [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
A New Vision for Affordable Housing
Hawaiian Community Deveiopment Board
- By Puanani Fernandez-Akamine -
An aerial view of HCDB's Hale Makana 0 Nōnōkuli affordable rental housing project situated on DHHL land. HCDB hopes this project ean heeome a prototype for future DHHL development projects to provide quality homes for more Hawaiians. - Photo: Courtesy
Kali Watson and Patti Barbee share an extraordinary vision for getting Hawaiians into housing, and together they are making it happen. Watson and Barbee operate the Hawaiian Community Development Board (HCDB), with Watson, HCDB's founder, serving as President and CEO, and Barbee serving as Senior Vice President. Unlike most development hrms, HCDB is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization specializing in developing projects to provide low-ineome families with affordable housing. Notably, HCDB is the only existing Native Hawaiian owned and operated non-profit development firm building lowineome rental housing. Although some of their projects are not exclusively for Hawaiians, serving the Native Hawaiian community is their passion and focus. Incorporated in 2000, HCDB is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors, all of whom are Native Hawaiian, and the majority of whom are Department of Hawaiian Home Land benehciaries and leaders in their respective communities. To achieve their prime objective of providing Native Hawaiian families with affordable housing, HCDB actively pai'tners with DHHL and Hawaiian Homes community asso-
ciations to develop alternative housing solutions on DHHL land. "After leaving DHHL I had a better understanding of the challenges," said Watson. Referring to the Hawaiian eommunity Watson notes, "our biggest need is housing. There are 28,000 Hawaiians on the (DHHL) waiting list. And a third of
the homeless in Hawai'i are Native Hawaiian." An attorney and businessman, Watson served as DHHL Director from 1995-1998. During his tenure, Watson was instrumental in the passage of Act 14, a $600 million settlement between the State and DHHL whieh included transfer of 16,518 acres of State lands to DHHL, as well as the transfer of over 900 acres of Federal lands under the Hawaiian Homes Recovery Act of 1995. When he left DHHL he decided to eonhnue to focus all of his energies on the housing issue. It was during his time at DHHL that Watson met Barbee who was working for the Ofhce of Hawaiian Affairs as the Housing and Community Development Supervisor and developing strategies to address the Native Hawaiian housing crisis. Barbee's housing strategies at OHA in the 1990s included creation of a $103 million revolving down payment loan fund and programs to expand OHA's participation with Habitat for Humanity projects statewide. Working together in their respective capacities, Barbee and Watson discovered they were on the same page in thinking that the best solution to address the Native Hawaiian housing crisis as quickly and efhciently as possible was to provide affordable rentals and rent-to-own opportunities. This was the genesis of HCDB. "The way to impact the Hawaiian community the most is to provide affordable rental housing," said Barbee. In addition to seeing affordable rentals and rent-to-own developments as key, the other strategy Watson and Barbee are trying to advance is creating housing density, especially on O'ahu, where the populahon is large and the land resources hnite. This vision has met with some resistance, particularly for their development projects on DHHL land. Creating highdensity rental units on homestead land has never been done before, so HCDB's approach represents a signihcant change to how DHHL lands have historically been developed. "We need to get away from looking exclusively at single-family home residential development," Watson insists. "We need condos and townhouses. Creating housing density is key to serving more Native Hawaiians." Adds Barbee, "It's about changing mindsets. Everyone wants a single-family home. It's the dream. But the reality is that purchasing or building a home is beyond the reach of many of our people. If we ean provide more affordable rentals, it's a stepping stone that ean stabilize a family so that they ean save and get their credit in order, so when their name comes up for their homestead they will be ready. It's not a cure for all. It's one of many strategies that need to be implemented." Watson credits current DHHL Director William Aila for his willingness to "think outside the box" to move these uneonventional housing projects forward. Watson and Barbee are
especially proud of their 48-unit Hale Makana O Nānākuli affordable rental housing project whieh opened in 2013, and the adjacent commercial and medical facilities, part of the Nānākuli Village Center, a related pilot project, the hnal phase of whieh will be completed in ApiiL The Hale Makana O Nānākuli housing project was essentially a response to concerns raised by the community about
overcrowded households and dilapidated homes, and the general laek of affordable housing in the area. Development of the project was a kākou effort. For example, Hawaiian Community Assets (HCA) and U.H. West O'ahu provided hnaneial counseling to Nānākuli homestead residents to help families prepare for and meet the qualifying criteria, and to complete the rental applications. As a result, 75% of the current tenants were already residents of the Nānākuli Homestead community. Families who become residents of Hale Makana O Nānākuli who are on, or ean qualify for, Hawaiian Homelands also receive additional hnaneial counseling from HCA to help them qualify for a future mortgage and residential lease on DHHL land. Hale Makana O Nānākuli also serves as a pilot project to demonstrate how DHHL Homestead Associations
ean empower themselves to build similar affordable rental housing projects within their eommunities using established design, funding and construction approaches. It provides a successful "working model" for future housing developments on DHHL land. "The (related) Nānākuli Village project was the gamechanger," reflects Watson. "It was born from the vision of the Nānākuli homestead community and from leaders like Mike Kahikina and Kamaki Kanahele. This project is an example of what ean be done in the Hawaiian community, and that's exciting!" "Nānākuli Village has all the elements for community living and housing," Watson explains. The project includes a Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive satellite heahh elinie, a renal elinie, an affordable drug pharmacy and a commercial center whieh includes Longs Drugs and smaller tenants like Starbucks, L&L Drive-in and Kainalu Surf Shop. The final phase of the Nānākuli Village Center is the Kalaniho'okaha Learning Center, whieh is being developed and built by Kamehameha Schools. Nānākuli Village is also in close proximity to Nānāikapono Elementary School, Ka Waihona Charter School, and the Nānākuli YET Boys & Girls Club. The Nānākuli Village project brought together HCDB, DHHL, the Nānākuli Hawaiian Homestead Community Association, Kamehameha Schools and the Wai'anae Comprehensive Heahh Center. "Working together we were able to gather the resources to do the kind of development that addresses other needs of the Hawaiian community - not just housing," saidWatson. "It'savisionthathasbecomeareality. Weare a lot stronger working as a group." Watson envisions more of these projects in the future
and believes that Hawaiian organizations joining forces and working together would be a powerful force to replicate eommunities like Nānākuli. Referring to HCDB, Watson says, "We're kind of like the quarterback working with all of these organizations to get these projects going. We know how to get developments done. And we work with (DHHL) beneficiaries and get them intimately involved in the projects, advocating
for support and funding." Knowing how to access funds to finance development projects is key. Watson says land belonging to Ali'i Trusts, DHHL and OHA that could be productive is sitting vacant due to a laek of "developer mentality ." He acknowledges that development projects are expensive but is confident that "they ean be done if you know how to access funds." At HCDB, raising capital for developments is primarily Barbee's kuleana. With an extensive background in business management that includes training in real estate, appraisal, mortgage financing and government procurement, over the years Barbee has successfully secured tens of millions of dollars for affordable housing developments for Native Hawaiians from a variety of county, state and federal government sources including Rental Housing Revolving Funds, Federal Home Land Bank AHP, National Housing Trust Fund and from the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act, a program funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
In addition to Hale Makana 0 Nānākuli, HCDB has eompleted affordable rental housing projects in Kewalo and Hālawa, and are currently working on a $62 million highrise project in Kapolei. In addition, they've been approved to begin developments in Mō'ili'ili for a $31 million 105 unit kūpuna project, a $130 million two tower project in Hālawa, and they are currently negotiating kūpuna projects in Papak-
ōlea and Wai'anae Kai. They are also working on a new project, Ulu Ke Kukui, also in Mā'ili on DHHL lands. Currently a transitional shelter, HCDB is taking over the lease and will turn it into another long-term rental project for DHHL with 40 two-bed/two-bath 900 square foot units. HCDB's current Hale Makana O Mā'ili project, now under construction, is similar to their Hale Makana O Nānākuli. It is a 52-unit multi-family affordable rental housing development on just under two acres of land. This $22 million dollar project will include a perimeter fence, resident parking, a private central park (shared open space), and a resource center that will include a library and computer center, two multi-purpose rooms and laundry facilities. Although HCDB is in the business of developing affordable housing, Watson emphasizes that they are
not a public housing entity. Quality materials and worksmanship are standard with their private affordable housing projects. Says Watson, "It is a requirement of our funders that these developments are attractive, well-maintained and professionally managed." "We want to create places where people will be proud to live," Barbee emphasized. Hale Makana O Nānākuli has one, two and three-bedroom units ranging from 550 to 1,100 square feet. The units are built to last with high-end finishes like laminate wood flooring, solid-wood cabinetry, granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. Applying and qualifying for an affordable rental unit in one of HCDB's projects varies. Onee a project is completed, the properties are managed by outside firms. Because the projects serve low-ineome renters, they are for families whose household ineome level is 30-60% of the Area Median ineome (AMI). For projects on DHHL land, preference is given to Native Hawaiians to the extent permitted by law. In their quest to realize their primary goal of providing housing for Native Hawaiians, Watson and Barbee strongly prefer to build their projects on DHHL land. Says Watson, "DHHL has $100 million in the bank and 200,000 acres of unused land. But their internal ability to develop the land is limited. They need the involvement of private developers with the beneficiaries' interests as their priority." According to Watson, development on DHHL land is ideal for four key reasons: 1) DHHL land already has "entitlements" whieh are legal rights conveyed by approvals from government entities to develop a property for specific uses; SEE HCDB ON PAGE 17
The Hale Makana 0 Nōnōkuli townhomes are lovingly designed lo be attractive family dwellings Ihal anyone would be proud to eall home. (Below) HCDB projects are distinctive in Ihal high-end interior finishes like solid wood cabinetry and granite countertops are standard,- Photo: Courtesy
Continued from page 15 2) DHHL lands are made available for development at no cost to the developer, so there are no hnaneial hurdles and/or land costs whieh ultimately drives up rental costs for the tenants; 3) DHHL has the ability to hnanee projects through organizations like HCDB and; 4) As a government entity DHHL ean exempt itself from some development restrictions so there are fewer delays in the permitting process. Watson would like to see future partnerships where DHHL, OHA and the Ali'i Trusts work together with developers like HCDB to create more communities like Hale Makana O Nānākuli. "Our Ali'i Tmsts joining forces to create these communities would be powerful," predicts Watson. "If our organizations could work together we could collectively become the biggest developer in the state." As enthusiastic as Watson and Barbee are about sharing their vision of housing density and affordable rental housing to address the housing crisis affecting so many Native Hawaiians, as Hawaiians themselves they approach eaeh project, and eaeh community, with great deference. Working with eaeh community is key. It is important that the projects they build "fit" the eommunity. "We do this because we believe that development ean be done in a pono way," shares Barbee. "We work
with DHHL and with benehciaries to determine what is best for them. Making a proht is not our priority." As Native Hawaiian developers, HCDB has adopted a higher standard when it comes to approaching the environment and the historic signihcance of the area they are developing. 'Ike Hawai'i is important and, with this in mind, where possible they try to hire Hawaiians to complete the required cultural and archaeological impact statements. Says Barbee, "I'm originally from Moloka'i so I know it's important not to build in someplace we aren't supposed to be. Over the years we've done a lot of the environmental impact pieces. And we blessed the heek out of Nānākuli." HCDB's pono approach to development is refreshing in a world that far too often places proht over people, culture and the environment. Contemplating his vision for Hawaiian-serving public and private organizations to join forces to solve the housing crisis, Watson shared the following 'ōlelo no'eau: "Pūpūkāhi i holomua; Unite to move forward." "As Hawaiians we need to move forward and assert our rights in the development of our homeland," states Watson. "When we address the needs of our indigenous people it benehts the entire community. We all know the negative social statistics. We ean cry about it...or we ean make changes. I believe we ean turn things around in the next 20 years and make it exciting for Hawaiians to live here in our homeland." ■
Pattj" Barbee and Kali Watson. - Photo: Courtesy