Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 12, 1 December 2019 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

īhA)oloec{ Getting inuolued as a Resource Caregiuer is simple and the need is great. Howeuer, this is an important kuleana and before you begin, please consider thefollowing requirements: 1. The desire and ability to accept a foster child into your home based on the reunification plan made by the state: Foster care is temporary, and a resource home needs to be a safe, nurturing environment for the child while a permanent plan is made. Reunification with the birth family is the goal for every child. The next option is placement with relatives. 2. Space in your home for an additional child: Generally, a child in foster care may not share a room with an adult, but may share a room with other ehildren of the same gender. 3. ineome must cover usual household expenses: A household must be able to show that regular household expenses do not exceed monthly household ineome. 4. Completion of criminal, child abuse and neglect background checks, and a sex offender registry eheek: All adult household members must be able to show a recent/credible history of safe behavior. 5. Families must be planning to remain in Hawai'i for at least two years: There may be exceptions to this time frame if you are open to urgent need groups such as large sibling groups (4+) or teens. Interested in becoming a Resource Caregiuer and fostering Natiue Hawaiian keiki? Contact Partners in Development online at hui@pidfoundation.org Or eall: 441-1117 (O'ahu) 888-879-8970 (toll-free for Neighbor lslands)