Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 2, 1 February 2018 — HO'OLAHA LEHULEHU [ARTICLE]
Honua Consulting seeks information regarding the identification of valued cultural, historical, or natural resources in the project area of the proposed Hawaiian Memorial Park Cemetery Expansion Project [TMK (1 ) 4-5-003: por. 001 (private property), Kāne'ohe, O'ahu], including the extent to whieh traditional and customary Native Hawaiian rights are exercised in the project area. Responses preferred within 30 days to admin@honuaconsulting.com or (808)392-1617. ASM Affiliates is preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) for the Kamehameha Highway, Waiahole Bridge Replacement Project on a roughly 12.2-acre property (Portions of TMKs: [1] 4-8-001:001 and 010; 002:001; 008:018 and 021025; and 009:001 and 006), located between mile markers 34 and 35 of Kamehameha Highway, and extending to the north and makai of the extant bridge in Waiāhole Ahupua'a, Island of O'ahu. The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division plans to replace the existing Waiāhole Bridge with a new bridge that has two travel lanes and two road shoulders. The project also includes the construction of a temporary bypass road and bridge located makai of the extant bridge; as well as the demolition of the extant bridge and walkway. We are seeking consultation with community members with knowledge of or ongoing involvement in traditional cultural use of this area, whieh may be impacted by the proposed project. If you are willing to share such information please contact Teresa Gotay tgotay@asmafFiliates. eom or Bob Rechtman brechtman@ asmaffiliates. eom, phone (808) 4398089, mailing address ASM AfSliates 820 Mililani St. Suite 700, Honolulu, HI 96813. BURIAL NOTICE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN that three human burials were discovered by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, ine. The finds were identified during utility trenching related to the Board of Water Supply's Kamehameha Highway Sunset Beach Water Systems Improvements Project, Pūpūkea Ahupua'a, Ko'olauloa District,
Island of O'ahu, TMK: [1] 5-9-003, 004, and 008-01 EKamehameha Highway Right-of-Way. The human remains were discovered within the makai (northwest) side of the Kamehameha Highway right-of-way, north of Shark's Cove, and were included within State Inventory of Historic Places (SIHP) # 50-80-01-7196, a culturally enriched A horizon with human interments. The landowner is the City and County of Honolulu. The applicant is Board of Water Supply (BWS). Background research indicates that during the Mahele the entire Pūpūkea Ahupua'a was awarded to Kamehameha III. Additionally, of the 19 Kuleana ( maka'ainana ) Land Commission Awards (LCA) awarded within Pūpūkea, none are located within or in the immediate vicinity of the current project area. Following the procedures of Hawai'i Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 6E-43, and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 1 3-300, the burial finds were determined by the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) to be over 50 years old. Based on the context of the burial finds, they are believed most likely to be Native Hawaiian. The burial finds, encountered during archaeological monitoring, have been disinterred and temporarily curated with the Boai'd of Water Supply. The burial finds are designated as inadvertent, encountered during archaeological monitoring, and are therefore under the jurisdiction of SHPD per HAR Chapter 13-13-300; however, the BWS and SHPD would like to work with any descendants that eome forward. SHPD is requesting persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of these human skeletal remains to immediately contact the SHPD Culture and History Branch, Ms. Regina Hilo, at 555 Kākuhihewa Building, 601 Kamōkila Boulevard, Kapolei, Hawai'i 96707 [email: regina.hilo@hawaii.gov; Tel. (808) 692-8026; Fax (808)" 692-8020]. All interested parties shall respond within thirty (30) days of this notice and file descendancy elaim forms and/ or provide infonnation to the SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from this designated burial or cultural descent ffom ancestors buried in the same ahupua 'a or district. ■