Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 10, 1 October 2014 — MARSHALL, ERIC B. REPUBLICAN [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


Q1. As the | candidatework- | ingtorepresent the Kaka'ako j district, I thank j you for bring- | ing up this is

a very important issue that many people were not made aware of. The Land deal has a catch to it that either OHA or the Governor did not foresee. The Makai side is being kept for less development, whieh limits OHA options. As the guestion points out, we need to make better use of the land for the betterment of the Hawaiian people. I believe we should get

input from the community as to how we ean use the land. One idea I have would be to create a Hawaiian cultural center. It ean perpetuate Hawaiian culture and become a tourist attraction to generate ineome and educate the future generation since Keiki ean benefitfrom it. Q2. I would listen to the will of the people who have shown us through the U.S. lnterior Dept. hearings that they need to be a part of any process. Especially if they are justified concerns. I would fight against any process that would potentially strip away any Native Hawaiians' own United States Constitutional rights.