Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 10, 1 October 2014 — LIBERTARIAN TICKET [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]



Q1. In 2012, the state eonveyed 30 acres of landsin Kaka'ako Makai to OHA to resolve the state's $200 million debt to

OHA. What will you do to help OH A generate sufficient revenue from these lands to meet its mandate to better the conditions of Native Hawaiians? Aloha. I would remove the pay-to-play formula by whieh our elections function. State-funded campaigns and term limits in the Leg. Will allow astute ideas and legislation create workable programs. Why dissect the issues without changing the way we approach the root issues?? Perhaps a venue re all things Hawaiian should be considered. Close to our tourist Hub, a eultural learning center ean benefit locals and Malihini as one. Q2 Start at the top, and the root of the problem. Our pay-to-play politics with campaign millions being the final determination of our elected "so-called" servants must end before ANY constructive future could possibly occur. Without turkey committed public servants this guestion is moot. Progress will never occur without removing the special inters money from our election process. Got it?? Can't put Humpty Dumpty together as a bad habit. To further Hawaiian nation building, we must remove the blockage. Special interest- development - short-term gain- status guo. What a remarkable example Hawai'i will be to the world when we give the government back to the people and more than include the true culture of Hawai'i back tothe head ofthetable.


Q1. I support the building of residentialliving units to generate ineome for and provide lowcosthousingfor native Hawaiians.

Q2. I will gladly resign from office onee the United States recognizes a pono leader of the sovereign nation of Hawai'i.