Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 4, 1 April 2014 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE]
OHA Board Actions
Compiled by Garett Kamemoto
The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on board actions, please see the complete meeting minutes, including the legislative matrix menhon helow, posted online at oha.org/about/board-trustees.
- LEGEND 9 'Ae (Yes) 9 'A'ole (No) € Kānalua (Abstain) 9 Excused
Motion to approve Administration's recommendations on New Bills and Bill Positions for Reconsideration, on the OHA Legislative Matrix dated February 12, 2014. Motion to approve Administration's recommendations on New Bills and Bill Positions for Reconsideration, on the OHA Legislative Matrix dated February 19, 2014. Motion to amend and approve amendments to OHA's Native Hawaiian Trust Fund Spending Policy and Fiscal Reserve Withdrawal Guidelines in accordance with revised language changes to Attachment "A" (OHA Native Hawaiian Trust Fund Spending Policy), as proposed by the BOT at its February 20, 2014 BOT meeting; and to approve amendments in Attachment "B" (OHA's Native Hawaiian Trust Fund Spending Policy's Fiscal Reserve Withdrawal Guidelines) as recommended to the BOT by the ARM Committee. Motion to further amend the amendment to limit the spending withdrawal amount from $5 million to $3 million Motion to approve amendments to OHA's Native Hawaiian Trust Fund Spending Policy and Fiscal Reserve Withdrawal Guidelines in accordance with revised language changes to Attachment "A" (OHA Native Hawaiian Trust Fund Spending Policy), as proposed by the BOT at its February 20, 2014 B0T meeting; and to approve amendments in Attachment "B" (0HA's Native Hawaiian Trust Fund Spending Polie/e Fiscal Reserve Withdrawal Guidelines) as recommended to the B0T by the ARM Committee. (1st Reading) Motion to approve Administration's recommendations regarding NEW BILLS on the OHA Legislative Positioning Matrix dated March 5, 2014. Motion that the Board of Trustees commits to and approves 0HA's Statement of Commitment on Governance. M0TI0N: 0HA's Board of Trustees authorizes and approves an operating budget of $3,971,008for governance planning efforts proposed by its Ad Hoe Committee on Governance Planning (the "Committee") as outlined in Attachment #1 from the following funding sources: 1. $3,000,000 approved pursuant to Section V. of its Native Hawaiian Trust Fund Spending Policy entitled Native Hawaiian SelfGovernance Spending Withdrawal; 2. $271,008 approved for reallocation in OHA's FY 2014 Core Operating Budget Realignment #1 pursuant to OHA's delegated authority to its Ka Pouhana or Chief Executive Officer under Section 3.5.f of the OHA Board of Trustees Executive Policy Manual; and 3. $700,000 approved for reallocation in OHA's FY 2015 Core Operating Budget Realignment #1 pursuant to OHA's delegated authority to its Ka Pouhana or Chief Executive Officer under Section 3.5.f of the OHA's Board of Trustees Executive Policy Manual. 4. Furthermore, its Board of Trustees authorizes its Ka Pouhana, its Chief Executive Officer, to immediately identifyanyand all financing options to replenish any withdrawals from its Native Hawaiian Trust Fund completed pursuant to this approval and to present all options to its BOT for further approval.
Motion passes with nine AYES. Motion passes with nine AYES. Motion passes with seven A YES, and two NO votes. Motion passes with seven A YES, and two NO votes. Motion passes with eight AYES, andoneNO vote. Motion passes with sevenAYES, and two EXCUSED/NOT PRESENT. Motion passes with sevenAYES, and two EXCUSED/NOT PRESENT. Motion passes with eight AYES and one EXCUSED.
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