Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 12, 1 December 2013 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Actions
Compiled by Garett Kamemoto
The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on actions taken by the board, please see the complete meeting minutes posted online at www.oha.org/about/board-trustees.
- LEGEND 9 'Ae (Yes) 9 'A'ole (No) I 9 Kānalua (Abstain) 9 Excused
Motion to approve $262,242 from OHA's FY 2014 Fiscal Reserve Authorizations for Nā Pua No'eau. OHA's total funding of Nā Pua No'eau for FY 2014 is $877,969. Motion to approve and recommend Mr. Dexter K. Vredenburg and Mr. Scott L. Kaulukukui to serve on the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (NHRLF) Advisory Board of Directors Motion to amend, approve and authorize funding in the amount of $595,000 from OHA's FY 2014 Fiscal Reserve Authorization for the FY 2014 Native Hawaiian Roll Commission Operating Budget and to include Trustee Robert LMee^ 10 recommendations as well as a two (2) week deadline for an exit plan and this approved amount will be the final funding for the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission. Trustee Lindsey's 10 recommendations are: 1. That Kana'iolowalu present a clear Exit Plan to terminating Operations to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs within two weeks. 2. That if a Kanaka Maoli puwalu is to be convened that such a puwalu be convened and called for by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and not the Hawaii Legislature and that all interested stakeholders and constituencies will be allowed to participate at a eommon table. 3. That the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will be a neutral party at such a puwalu whose kuleana will be simply to facilitate such a puwalu. 4. That the Office of Hawaiian Affairs in pursuing a model for sovereignty will take kuleana to educate and inform the general and Hawaiian community through various media including Ka Wai Ola and Kamakako'i on the events of January 1893 when our Queen yielded her Government to the United States of America. 5. That the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will take kuleana to educate and inform the general and Hawaiian community through various media including Ka Wai Ola and Kamakako'i on the U.S. Minister's role in the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom. 6. That the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will take kuleanato educate and inform the general and Hawaiian community through various media including Ka Wai Ola and Kamakao'i on the significant finding of Mr. Blount who was commissioned to investigate the Overthrow by President Grover Cleveland in 1893. 7. That the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will take kuleana to educate and inform the general and Hawaiian community through various media including Ka Wai Ola and Kamakako'i on President Cleveland's message to Congress in December 1893 on the Blount investigation. 8. That the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will take kuleana to educate and inform the general and Hawaiian community through Ka Wai Ola and Kamakako'i on the Apology Resolution of 1893. 9. That the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will never negotiate away the inherent sovereignty of our people and our naīional lands, and 10. That the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will facilitate a discussion on all models of self-determination including independence and international recognition.
Motion passes with eight AYES, and one EXCUSED. Motion passes with eight AYES, and one EXCUSED. Motion passes with sevenAYES, one NO vote and one EXCUSED.
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