Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 6, 1 June 2013 — Sorry but no June column [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Sorry but no June column
Dear Readers, 'Ano'ai kakou ... Sorry to disappoint you this month, but I will not be able to provide all of you with something interesting to read. OHA's CEO has decided that my June 2013 Ka Wai Ola eolumn on OHA's move to the Gentry Paeihe Design Center will not be printed because he feels it violates OHA's confidentiality policy.
The CEO has not specified to me what he feels is "confidential" nor has he given me the opportunity to edit my eolumn to
provide something he feels is "suitable" for the puhlie. I find it completely unfair that while I submitted my eolumn for printing well before the deadline on May 13, the CEO only informed me on May 22 that he wasn't printing my eolumn, whieh was too late for me to write about another issue. Aloha Ke Akua.
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