Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 6, 1 June 2013 — Education council vacancies [ARTICLE]
Education council vacancies
The Native Hawaiian Education Council is seeking individuals to serve on the eouneil who are interested in developing and perpetuating excellence in Native Hawaiian education. NHEC was established by the federal Native Hawaiian Education Act to assess the extent to whieh education programs meet the needs of Native Hawaiians; to coordinate educational services to Native Hawaiians; and to report and recommend to federal, state and loeal agencies about resources to address Native Hawaiian educational needs. There are four vacancies on the 2 l-member eouneil of volunteers. NHEC is interested in applicants from all islands, representing young adults to kūpuna. If interested, please see the NHEC website at nhec.org for an application/nomination foim Completed forms are due by June 30.