Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 8, 1 August 2012 — MĀKEKE THE MARKETPLACE [ARTICLE]
Classified ads only $12.50 - Type or clearly write your ad of no more than 1 75 characters (including spaces and punctuation) and mail, along with a eheek for $1 2.50, to: Ka Wai Ola Classifieds, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, Hl 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA. (We cannot accept credit cards.) Ads and payment must be received by the 15th for the next month's edition of Ka Wai Ola. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@oha.org with the subject "Makeke/Classified". OHA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, for any reason, at our discretion.
AAA FŪR SALE: Kapolei East I (Kānehili) undivided interest lease. Wilhelm JK Bailey® West 0'ahu Realty, ine. Call 228-9236; realestate@ wjkbailey.com. BIG ISLAND - LA'I 'ŌPUA, KANI0HALE 3/2 with large deck, beautifully upgraded, finished garage interior, oeean view, in Kailua-Kona. Maku'u AG - 6+ ae. Hilo res lot in Keaukaha. - DHHL Leases. Graham Realty ine. Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808-221-6570. BIG ISLAND, WAIMEA Country home with attached Commercial kitchen/ warehouse. Tracker shed, office/ storage building. 10-acre fenced farm. All utilities. DHHL requirements. 808-756-2688. B0BBIE KENNEDY (RA) with Graham Realty ine. years of experience with DHHL properties and general real estate, on all islands. Featured Realtor of the Week in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. 808-545-5099, 808-221-6570, email habuchal@aol.com. C0LLEGE CŪNSULTANT: Helping students from Hawaii attend mainland colleges. Scholarships, guidance for student athletes. Ikena College Consultingwww.ikenacollegeconsulting. eom. CURRENT LISTINGS: Moloka'iHo'olehua 3/2, 1 acre lot $160,000. Kalama'ula 1 acre $16,000 & $20,000. Big lsland - Pana'ewa 10 acres $175K; 3 acres $75K. Kamuela 10-acre pastoral w/water. New listing in Keaukaha brand new 1 bd/l ba home w/lots of upgrades on 20,530 sf. lot $205,000. Leasehold. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) Prudential Locations LLC 295-4474. KĀNAKA MAOLI FLAGS (large $30.00, small $6.00), T-shirts for every island from $10, Kānaka Maoli Pledge posters (2 sizes), stickers. www.Kanaka MaoliPower.org or 808-332-5220.
KEAUKAHA - No waiting list. Hilo. Beautiful new home MLS # 1206356. $205,000/ nego. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) Prudential Locations LLC 295-4474. KĒŪKEA, MAUI 2 acres AG $160,000. Pu'u Pūlehu, Kamuela, Big lsland - Single level 4bd/2.5 ba 10,000 sf lot $250,000. Leasehold. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) Prudential Locations LLC 295-4474. MAKU'U, PĀH0A 5.14 ae. Beautiful property with large home (1,947 s.f.) built in 2007. Must qualify with HHL. Located in niee neighborhood on Kaluahine Street. One block from highway. Call 808-291-6823. MAUI - WAI0HULI - Beautiful custom home 3/2. Kula: undivided interest leases. 0'ahu - Waimānalo
- undivided interest lease. Princess Kahanu - 2/1 in quiet eul de sac. Kapolei excellent home, mint condition, 4/3, one bdrm & bath on ground floor, largeyard. DHHL leases. Graham Reality ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808-221-6570. 0'AHU CESSPŪŪL & SEPTIC PUMPING SERVICE a loeal eo., please eall 753-1411 or eall Big John at 783-4778. With 24/7 emergency ealloui See us at www.OahuCesspool AndSepticPumping.com. PADDLER PENDANTS in gold and silver, handmade in Kona, Hawai'i. Call for current prices 808-329-1576. View online at www.gordonthe jeweler.com. ĪHE REAL ESTATE LADY-Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (REALT0R) Prudential
Locations LLC 808-295-4474. Specialize in Fee Simple & Hawaiian Home Lands Properties (26 years). THINKING 0F SELLING eall Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) 295-4474. Prudential Locations LLC-Working with qualified buyers interested in Kānehili, East Kapolei II, Waimanalo, Papakolea & Kaupe'a. To view current listings go to my website Charmaine QuilitPoki.com. Call or email me at Charmaine.QuilitPoki@PruHawaii.com to learn more about home ownership. Mahalo nui. WANĪEŪ - Undivided lnterest Leases in Kapolei and Waimānalo. Graham Reality ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808-221-6570, email habuchal@aol.com.
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