Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 7, 1 July 2012 — Molokaʻi groups report on reach of OHA grants [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Molokaʻi groups report on reach of OHA grants

By Harold Nedd

An estimated 150 Moloka'i residents turned out for a eommunity meeting that raised the profile of coordinated efforts to help steer their island in a desirable direction. Hosted by Office of Hawaiian Affairs Chairperson Colette Machado, the three-hour eommunity meeting also provided useful perspectives and information on the dent grant money is helping make on often overlooked puhlie health problems. In a brief presentation to OHA's Board of Trustees, Matt Yamashita, vice president of the Moloka'i Community Heahh Center, credited a two-year, $300,000 grant from OHA for his organization's abil-

ity to help at least 3,000 uninsured Hawaiians access heahh care. Sheri Lynn, executive director of Ka Hale Pōmaika'i, attributed the success of her substance-abuse recov-

ery program to a $100,000 grant, whieh is helping her clients overcome addictions to aleohol, crystal methamphetamine and marijuana. Billy Akutagawa, executive director of Nā Pu'uwai, also praised a $100,000 OHA grant for helping his organization enhanee its outreach to kūpuna between ages 70 and 85 who are seeking adult-day care services. As part of an animated video presentation, Kanohowailuku Helm of I Aloha Moloka'i, a grassroots campaign aimed at blocking a eontroversial undersea eahle project that would transmit power to O 'ahu, drew attention to the role a $9,500 OHA grant is playing in his 600-member coalition's efforts to raise awareness about altemative energy. The grant paid for an energy fes-

tival that attracted 1,000 Moloka'i residents who were portrayed by Helm as being sensitive to the environment and supportive of sustainable, elean energy. The community meeting is the

second of five forums OHA' s B oard of Trustees will host monthly on Neighbor Islands. Last month, the trustees held their community meeting on Kaua'i. In July, their community meeting will be held on Lāna'i. ■

OHA Lāna'i meetings

> The Board of Trustees will hold a community meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 18 at Lāna'i High and Elementary School cafeteria, 555 Fraser Ave. in Lāna'i City. > A Board of Trustees meeting will be held Thursday, July 19 at 9 a.m. at the Kō'ele Lodge library, 1 Keomoku Highway, Lāna'i City. For information, eall Leinani Zablan at 0HA's Lāna'i office at (808) 565-7930.

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The young 'ōpio of Kula Kaiapuni Kauwela '0 Moloka'i welcomed the OHA Board of Trustees to their island. - Courtesy: Sarah Hartatez