Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 3, 1 March 2011 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ne:ca NATiVE HAWiiiAN EdUCATiON AssociATioN 12th Annual Conference "UeilKeAla" March 1 7 & 1 8 @ Windward Community College in Kāne'ohe Featurinq
Keynotes by: HPDChief Louis Kealoha Dr. KahunawaiWright& Nalani Balutski
Educator of the Year Awardees: Calvin and Charlene Hoe RoseYamada
2 * Huaka'i = x Presentation by Native Hawaiian Doctors (Ph.D, Ed.D, JD) x Teaching Strategies Strand ® x CollegeStudentServicesStrand For Registration information go to: NHEA.net or eall 808-283-0435