Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 1, 1 January 2011 — ln 2011 be involved, take charge, ask questions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

ln 2011 be involved, take charge, ask questions

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! 2010 represents the Past. It eame and went mueh too fast. All we are left with now are memories, mostly good ones

I hope. 201 1 represents the Future, new possibilities, new opportunities and new memories. From our 'ohana to yours, wherever you reside, be it here in our beautiful Archipelago, on the North Ameriean Continent or places beyond, my 'ohana and I wish you mueh Peaee, Prosperity and Aloha in the days ahead. We pray that your "eup will be fuller" and your inner spirit more joyful in the New Year. My sincere promise for 2011 to all of vou is to eonhnue to be

a Servant to you. Call me - 808.936.6795. Email me at boblindsey808@hawaii.rr.com. Write me at P.O. Box 1063, Kamuela, HI 96743. I want to hear from you and I will respond with lightning speed. OHA's Mission is "to better conditions for Hawaiians." Thus I have a DUTY to serve and honor that Mission. And I have a DUTY to do my best to serve you by listening intently to your concerns and to find practical solutions to those concerns. In 20 1 1 my focus for Hawai'i Island will be the following: • Maku 'u Farmers - Advocating for your Community Center with help from CNHA and USDA and taking direction from Paula Kekahuna and Shirley Pedro. • Kealakehe-Kaniohale - Advocating for your Community and Heahh Centers by serving on the Ea'i'ōpua 2020 Board and working closely with Dora Ai'o, Sam Walker, Byron Moku, Ikaika Hauanio, Mike Matsukawa, Mahealani Pai and with our Ea'i'ōpua 2020 staff: Bo Kahui, Executive Director; Mapuana Kahanu, Secretary; and Isaac Sylva, Controller. • Honokaia/Waimea - Advocating for your temporary water system for area ranchers and senior housing with help from former Senator īakamine, Rep. Mark Nakashima, DHHF West Hawai'i District Manager Jim Du Pont and NHFC Attorney Alan Murakami. • Kawaihae - Supporting the Kailapa Community Association by advocating for cheaper water for residents and tracking two Fish Farm projects pro-

posed off the Kohala coast by working closely with Diane Kaneali'i, KCA's President; Jim Du Pont, DHHF District Manager; and Rep. Cindy Evans. • Keaukaha - Advocating for

your Community Center and supporting your efforts for a new full-service cafeteria for Keaukaha Elementary School, by working closely with Unele Pat Kahawaiola'a; Mapuana Waipa; Euana Kawelu; Kumu Eehua Veincent, Prineipal; former Sen. Dwight īakamine; and OHA COC Eukela Ruddle. • Pana'ewa - Supporting the good work of your KeaukahaPana'ewa Farmers Association

by taking direction and guidanee from your President Mele Spencer and her core leadership group. In 20 1 1 my general priorities will be to Continue as a Champion for: • Education by 1) advocating that our Charter Schools be a line itemin OHA's annual budget), 2) serving as Chair of the Mellon-Hawai'i Scholars Committee (all scholars are Hawaiian or part-Hawaiian), 3) as a Board Member of the Kanu O Ka 'Āina Fearning 'Ohana and 4) as a Board member of The Kohala Center. • Hawaiian Heahh by supporting Papa Ola Eōkahi, our Native Hawaiian Heahh System, and Hui Mālama Ola O Nā 'Ōiwi (our Hawai'i Island Heahh System). • Safe, decent and affordable Housing through Habitat for Humanity-West Hawai'i and Habitat's State Support Organization. In 2009-2010, four homes were built for four Kawaihae Homestead families - Akini-Soares, Bell, Peterson and No'eau - a eollahoration among DHHF, OHA, Habitat for Humanity and a host of community volunteers. OHA spends $38 million a year. How is OHA "bettering conditions for Hawaiians" through its Strategic Plan, Strategic Directions, Strategic Priorities and $38 million? Hold us responsible and accountable to you. IN 2011 BE INVOFVED, ASK QUESTIONS, TAKE CHARGE. ■

Rūbert K. Lindsey, Jr. TrustEE, Hawai'i 4