Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 11, 1 November 2010 — Page 35 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I— l/OlO In the October issue, a graphic accompanying ' — "\CAICA the article "How laws are made in the United ■ q | States Congress" contained errors. Here is the I I ICll corrected graphic. KWO regrets the error.

435 Representatives Eaeh state receives representation in the House in proportion to its populaīion but is entitled to at least one Representative. Eaeh representative serves for a two-year term. The House was granted its own

exciusive powers: the power to initiate revenue bills, impeaeh officials, and elect the president in electoral college deadlocks.

Bill is referred to Bill introduced in House ' I 1 1 ^ Bill introduced in Senate Bill is referred to House committee HR 100 s 100 Senate committee m ri ' V * S _ \ House Full Vote Bīfl Senate Full Vote _ Committee \x / Committee rnarks u|i tlie liill X"J marks up the liill withchanges i i ^ withchanges. HR 100 = M S. 100 = | # Ēi' ., , * Voted on by full Committee reports House i . reading and Committee reports Voted on by committee and Bill is put on reading and | I debate and Bi" is put on Fuii Comittee House calendar debate and I I I ^Pl I amenments Senate calendar amendments II ^ ^ areaiilieii

Veto 4 The President ean Veto (ūeeline) 3 the Biii. Biii ean still pass but must be revoted by House and Senate and receive 2/3 vote to pass

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Hui No Ke Ola Pono (BCCCP) is offering Free Pap smears and mammograms to women who do not liave insuranee. Women must meet eligibility requirements for the I Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program I WWWl 1JI1 * 40-64 years old I 7.1 ! h i * Maui County resident I 'iAiipo * Valid social security number I WL ki: * VIeet ineome criteria ESAoīa For more information eall Cassie or Rebecca at | ^^PQ\o 442-6856 I