Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 2, 1 February 2009 — PEPELUALI CALENDAR [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


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NĀ MEA HAWAI'I HULA KAHIKO Sat„ Feb. 7, 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Enjoy the first traditional chant and hula performance of 2009 on the outdoor platform overlooking Kīlauea Crater. Hālau Ka Pā Hula Nā Wai Iwi Ola dances under the direction of kumu Keala Ching. Park entrance fee applies. 808-967-8222 or volcanoartcenter.org.

WAIMEA TOWN CELEBRATION Feb. 20-21, Fri. and Sat„ day and evening events

Celebrate Kaua'i's Waimea town and

get to know a kanaka-style Westside Story. (This i Waimea was the site of | an ancient Kanaka Maoli settlement, a standoff between

King Kaumuali'i and Kamehameha I and the ever-fateful first Hawaiian landing of Capt. James Cook.) Enjoy two days of continuous island entertainment, homemade island grinds, eanoe races, games and contests, served up by loeal volunteers and nonprofit organizations known for Westside hospitality. Free. 808-337-1005 orwkbpa.org.

E KANIKAPILA KĀKOU HAWAIIAN MUSIC PROGRAM Mondays, 6-9 p.m. The sing-a-long and leam-as-you-go series continues with a featured master at the kanikapila helm every Monday night in the Island School Main Hall. Bring your favorite instrument - including your singing voice. Leaders for early March are as follows: Eric Lee, songwriter/composer for Nā Kama Trio on March 2; Darryl and Leilani Rivera Low, will share new compositions and some dancers from their hālau March 9. Free. 808-241-4946 or gardenislandarts.org.

KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS HO'OLAULE'A Sat„ Feb. 28, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. The schools' 79th annual fundraiser for curriculum enrichment grants features an all-star lineup of mele-makers: Holunape, Ledward Ka'apana, Del Beasley, Brother Noland and more. Student entertainment by KS Marching Band, Concert Glee, Children's Choir, Hawaiian Ensemble and the Dance Company. Bring kālā to take advantage of bargains offered in the Country Store and a silent auelion. Bring your appetite, too, to enjoy Neighbor Island goodies such as Kaua'i kūlolo, Moloka'i dried squid, Kona coffee and Hilo lava tubes. Kamehameha Schools Kapālama Campus. Free. Free parking with shuttles from Kapālama Elementary, the KS terminal, Damien Memorial School and designated on-campus locations. 808-842-8659 orksbe.edu.



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Photo: Courtesyof Kamehameha Schoo!s
