Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 12, 1 December 2008 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]


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M A H A L O to all who supported me! ...and those whose vote I didn't get, I hear you. We all need to work together and holomua.

Jr.y7ifii -HH WjR!> ^ HT f \ffl '^■OHH [■HHflLi ' ."Sfl


A5 c/zair o/t/ze OHA Beneficiary and Advocacy committee, Colette worked to provide funding of $30 million in revenue bondsfor Department ofHawaiian Home Lands construction projects. Colette ledfundraising to restore historic Kalaniana'ole Hall in Kalamaula, Molokai, where 'ohana ean gatherfor afinal farewell to their loved ones.

C0LETTE Y. PI IPI I MACHAD0 Serving OHA Beneficiaries for Twelve Years with ■Hj|^^fl Intelligence, Integrity, and Compassion VOTEMACHADO.COM