Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 12, 1 December 2008 — Page 30 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PRE-PLANNING IS COMPASSION & LOVE 84 mo. @ 0% interest, prices ffozen at today's rates, transferable plots, plans; member specials, free credit life ins., if qualify. Mililani Memorial Group. Theo (Counselor) (808) 306-7647, hawaiibb808@ yahoo.com. READING SKILLS BREAKTHROUGH Now, anyone ean leam to read. Slow leamer or dyslexia, child or adult, we ean help them all. Details at www.CatchUpWithReading.com. UNDIVIDED INTEREST KAPOLEI $40,000. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R), West Oahu Realty ine. 228-9236. www.wilhelm-jk-bailey.com. VACANT LAND: 2.2 ACRES HPP near Keaau, Big Island. Private, end of road, against state forest land. Beautiful, uncleared ohia forest. $125,000. (808) 965-6383 by owner. WANTED TO PURCHASE WAIMEA, Big Island homestead lease land, 10 acres or more. Willing to pay cash for the right price! Please eontact Keone at (808) 479-5878. WORLD'S FIRST "ENERGY THINK DRINK" EDGE - Designed from plant extracts and natural compounds, no sugar, 10 calories, 2gm carbs. EDGE increases mental energy, cognition. Go to www.xoomaedge.com/helpnow for more info or eall (808) 275-7272.
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