Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 12, 1 December 2008 — Continuing our commitment to beneficiaries in 2009 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Continuing our commitment to beneficiaries in 2009

Congratulations to our re-elected Trustees Haunani Apoliona, Don Cataluna, Bob Lindsey and Colette Machado! This election demonstrated that the good work we do is appreciated by the voters of this state. This election also demonstrated a very important lesson in civics; and that is, a campaign based on lies and hate does not work, no matter how mueh money you throw at it. The people of this community (as well as the Nation) are discriminating more between good and bad, what is true and false, what is pono, and what is

just plain hateful. Now that the dust has settled and our leaders have been chosen in all races, it is time for the trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) to roll up our sleeves and continue our work for the betterment of our Hawaiian people. As I reflect on the work that I have been involved with here at OHA since I was elected in 2000, I have again set personal goals that I would like to see accomplished during the remainder of my tenure: 1. Passage of the Akaka Bill by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Barack Obama. 2. Passage of the Ceded Lands Legislation by our state House and Senate leaders and signed by Gov. Linda Lingle. 3. Increasing our Grants Programs

with primary focus on the education of our beneficiaries (infants through adulthood). 4. Improving the lives of our beneficiaries in the areas of housing, health care, employment and strengthening of families. 5. Beginning the formation of a system government (chosen by the broader Hawaiian community) in order to improve the lives of our beneficiaries as well as the communities we live in. I ask my OHA 'ohana to join me in the work that lies ahead with the eommitment, diligence and passion that you have exhibited thus far to better the lives of our beneficiaries. May we always remember the blessings, whether big or small, we eaeh receive every day. May we always remember those in need and reach out to them. And as eaeh of us remembers Him at Christmas, let us acknowledge His hand in all things and be thankful. From my family to yours ... God bless and may you enjoy the spirit of the season. E3

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