Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 12, 1 December 2008 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]


I Look over this two-story model earefully. The obvious attributes are the generous ' I i I living spaees, large dedieated Family Room and roomy Kitehen. The Living I Room has nearly 280 square feet of area in whieh you ean entertain, wateh the i I keiki or mo'opuna, or just being with family enjoying a good movie. But the real I gem is under the the house where you ean easily add on more bedrooms, ereate a j I granny quarters or just add to the living area. This model offers eomfort, an excel- \ I lent floor plan and more but when the time is right to expand to an even larger liv- [ I ing area you'll have a great head start. Join the others who are finding the Nohona j | the model of ehoiee. The Nohona package is priced at just over $65,000, plus tax. I | On Oahu eall Jocelyn Jacinto, our Packaged Home expert, at (808) 356- 1877, | you'll be glad you did. On the neighbor islands see the directory helow.


