Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 6, 1 June 2008 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PLUS, EARN UP TO 5,000 CASHPOINTSSM • • • When you apply and are approved for the Priority Rewards Debit and Credit Cards*.
The OHA Mālama Loan Program through First Hawaiian Bank is exclusively for Native Hawaiians and Native Hawaiian organizations. It ean be used for tuition; home improvement; and any of your business needs. For more information; please eall 643-LOAN. To apply; please visit fhb.com or any First Hawaiian Bank branch. (£)HA First Hawaiian Bank We sayYes
n fhb.com Hol Member FDIC Applicants must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry (birth certificate, OHA registry card, cr Kamehameha Schools verificaticn letter will be accepted as proof) cr a Native Hawaiian organization. If the applicant is a group cf peeple erganized for eeenemie develepment purpeses, applicant ownership must be 10CP/o Native Hawaiian. Berrewers may be required to ccmplete a credit ceunseling class befcre receiving tbe lean. Based upen a lean ameunt of $10,000 at 5.00% APR, tbe payment weuld be $188.71 per mentb based en a fully amertized lean fer 5 years. Subject tc credit appreval and eligibility. Certain restrictiens and conditions apply. *5,000 CasbPcints is a total cf 2,500 pcints upon apprcval cf Pricrity Rewards Oebit Card and 2,500 peints upon apprcval cf Pricrity Rewards Credit Card. Allew 30-45 days from tbe date ef purcbase to receive yeur benus peints. Offer is epen te personal accounts cnly and is subject to credit appreval. CasbPeints bave no casb value except as described in tbe Prierity Rewards Program Agreement. First Hawaiian Bank reserves tbe rigbt te eaneel tbe pregram at any time. LENDER