Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 3, 1 March 2008 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]


J ust as a house needs a solid foundation to support 1 1 > ill ^ L II ' I its structure, children need a firm foundation on whieh to build a lifetime of learning. Preschool ean give your # J ( H|l child a foundation of social skills, knowledge and self-confidence that will prepare them for success Pauahi Keiki Scholars preschool scholarship 2008-2009 V* • Kamehameha Schools is offering need-based ~7/f scholarships to keiki who attend non-Kamehameha \ preschools through its Pauahi Keiki Scholars (PKS) ' ( • A PKS application form, guidebook, and list of participating preschools may be downloaded at www.ksbe.edu/finaid. For help, or to request an applieahon packet by mail, eall (808) 541 -5300 or eall m toll-free at 1-800-842-4682 (press 9, then ext. 48080). Application postmark deadline: April 30, 2008 w' !a|Q & 4 M Kamehameha Schools -* J^H J^H

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