Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 4, 1 April 2007 — Page 24 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Apply now for the 2007-2008 school year © Kamehameha Sc:hools Kftffwwwte SlMth i>ciCy • B >)ft* ||f|lvipAn V> mVP>h >.J HIMW r-.P»>T oiw nm p*i"^nta p* l** Appuii A+-3 4rah I c- ba aonudHvd* irdv l+uri poky nui h»v h# rij* ili>i ■ mdip mM by K-> He-'oiLi H«u- l.-A'a CMw i^i*nntai eil ;KM| nwh^ii nk> ri/£*a*rirr

Scholarship money ]s available for 3- and 4-year-old keiki to attend eligible preschools.* To bo consKterjKJ fof tho programr ttw applkam rrust moet 1+10 fotiowir>g oritena:

■ Hawai'i residenl ■ Borri in 2003 or 2004

■ Enroileci in a qualified prescfiool program ■ Oennonslrate fīnanciat neod

APPLlCflTICJN U E d D L I H E S : MQNDAY, APRIL 30, 2007 For Juir«r? penaō Deginning fiogusl Pr 2007 ana Bndmg Ju)y DfJ . 2tXJU SATURDAY. SEPT. 29, 2007 Fqt i\ation penod Deginning Janua/y rr 2008 and etKtmg Ju!y 3 !. Z0G8 Visit www.ksbe.edu/finaid 10 download an appliealion form and guidabook, a current list ol pariicipaiing preschools and a schedole of kokua wor1rshops. Financial AhJ & Soholdf$hip Sarvices 534-80BD 1-800-842-4662 (press 9. then e)(t. 48080)