Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 3, 1 March 2007 — No Footprints in the Sand [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
No Footprints in the Sand
By Henry Nalaielua with Sally-Jo Bowman Watermark Publishing $16.95 In 1936, a ten-
T year-old Henry Nalaielua was diagnosed as a "leper" and taken away from his parents to live in Kalaupapa, Moloka'i, the infamous isolated settlement where 8,000 Hansen's Disease patients were forced into quarantine from 1866 until 1969. No Footprints in the Sand is a heartwrenching story that provides a rare look into the life of the "virtual prisoners" living in Kalaupapa and how Hansen's patients leamed to overcome their medical problems. Nalaielua, with author Sally-Jo Bowman, vividly describes his story as "Patient Number 3367," his struggle as a father who had to give up his ehildren for adoption and his connection to Kalaupapa. S