Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 June 2006 — Page 27 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
em ai I: kwū@ŪHA.ūrg websites: www,ŪHA.ūrg www.NativeHawaiiaūs.ūūm Clyde W. Nāmu'o Admiūistratūr Manu Boyd Pūbliū lūfūrmatiūū Direūtūr Derek Ferrar Pūbliū lūfūrmatiūū Speūialist Miehael McDunald Pūbliaatiūūs Spesialist/Art Direatūr 'Aukai Reynalds Media Pradūūtiūū Speūialist/Webmaster Sterling Kini Wung Pūblieatiūūs Editūr Juhn Matsuzaki Pradūūtiūū Speūialist Francine Murray Plū Sappūrt Assistaūt Charles ūgata Vūlūūteer HŪNŪLULU 711 Kapi'ūlaei Blvd„ Ste. 5DD HūūūIūIū, Hl 36813 Phūūe: BDB.5B4.IBBB Fax: BDB.5B4.IBB5 EAST HAWAI'I (HILŪ) I B2-A Baker Aveaae Hilo, Hl BB72D Phoae: BDB.B2D.B4IB Fax: BDB.B2D.B42I WEST HAWAI'I (KŪNA) 75-57ŪE Haaama Pl„ Ste. ID7 Kailaa-Kūūa, Hl BB74D Phoae: BDB.32B.73BB Fax: BDB.32B.7B2B MŪLŪKA'I / LĀNA'I Kūlaaa 'ūiwi P.ū. Būx 1717 Kauūakakai, Hl BB74B Phoae: BDB.5BD.3BII Fax: BDB.5BD.3BBB Kaua'i / Ni'ihau 3-3IŪŪ Kāhiū Hwy„ Ste. E4 Lihe'e, Hl BB7BB-II53 Phoūe: BDB.24I.33BD Fax: BDB.24I.35DB Maui I4D Hū'ūhaaa St„ Ste. 2DB Kahūlūi, Hl 36732 Phoae: BDB.243.52IB Fax: BDB.243.5DIB Washi ngtu n, D.C. 1 3 Dl CūūūBūtiūūt Ave. NW, Ste.2DD Washiūgtūū, D.C. 2DD3B Phūūe: 2D2.72I.I3BB Fax: 2D2.4BB.77B7 Notice to Readers Ka Wai Ola o OHA will accept for consicleration news releases anel letters to the eclitor on topics of relevance anel interest to OHA anel Hawaiians, as well as special events anel reunion notices. Ka Wai O/a o OHA resetves the rightto eclit a II material for length anel content, ornot to publish as available space orotner consiclerations may require. Ka Wai O/a o OHA cloes not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Deaclline for submissions is the 15th day of every month. Late submissions are considered only on a space-available basis. ©2006 Office of Hawaiian Affairs. All rights resen/ed.