Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 21, Number 11, 1 November 2004 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

P01ITICA1 ADVERTISEMENT FROM ^ DickieNelson Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trust.ee Candidatefor the Island of Hawai'i "1% /W A TT A ~1~ 4 V III To all that supportocl W I /_W I I / ■ I ■ ■ ' ' ' itio statowido, I oxtorid • • • rny siricoro rriahalos,To thoso that I hael opporturiity to groot poeoonalh, it was rny ploa.suro. To farnily tio.s anel to thoso closo to rno who lool iovoo:i in rny cornrriitrnorit to provido quality sorvico to our pooplo, I arn forovor indobtod to you. To Kaimo, rny daughtor, who maelo tirno availablo to elo a I tho things carnpaigning elomanelo botwoori WWW.dicki6n6lS0n.C0m paroritirig anel worlring to provido basic farnily . , _ , nooelo, you woro a boautiful rniraclo. Finally, to Paid for Friends of Dickie Nelson sweetheart, Esthor Loinaala, who was rr,y P.O. Box 2245 spiritual strongth anel constant eompanion frorn Kealakekua, HI 96750 tho hopinninp, I lovo you mueh