Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 11, 1 November 2002 — Hale Küʻai jobs [ARTICLE]

Hale Küʻai jobs

Ka Lāhui's Hale Kū'ai Hawaiian Cooperative is looking to hire an Administrative Officer, Bookkeeper, Marketing Assistant, VIembership Coordinator and Webmaster undar a grant obtained through the Ko'olauloa Hawaiian Civic Club. The two-year federallyfunded NatVe Hawaiian Producer Project seeks to strengthen the cooperative and benefit Native Hawaiian producers in the Hawai ian Islands . The Administrative Officer position is for a public accountant with non-profit experience to serve as grant manager for the project. Performs or oversees budget, fiscal activities and administrative tasks, payroll service, annual tax preparation, operating and year-end fmaneial statements, federal grant reporting, bookkeeping — half-

time, with benefits. The bookkeeper will keep customary fmancial records including general ledger accounts, accounts receivable, accounts payable, patron accounts; prepares disbursements and reconciles bahk statements. Computer knowledge required. Freelance. Marketing Assistant will directall advertising and marketing tasks. Duties include developing and maintaining content for the cooperative's website, customer senuce, surveys and correspondeuce; processing orders at the internet store, implementing strategic marketing plan; and news and publications production. Part-time with benefits. The membership coordinator develops and implements member services to increase and improve the cooperative's membership base. Responsibilities include organizing membership recmitment and renewal drives; coordinating volunteers and staff; maintaining membership database; contributing to the organization's newsletter; delivering sales presentations; and coordinating special events for members. Part-time with benefits. The webmaster position is for a computer programmer with strong graphic design skills to maintain and enhanee an e-commerce site. Individual engineem the placement and navigation of the website elements; advises on and coordinates administrative tasks to maintain website; creatively collaborates with website development team; and maintains and updates site. Freelance. Deadline to apply is Nov. 1 0. Send a cover letter, your salaiy requirements and resume to Hale Kūcai Cooperative, P.O. Box 67 4, Ka'a'awa, HI 96730, Attn: NHPP. For more information, eall 2934477 or 237-8430. ■