Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 11, 1 November 1999 — Board Business [ARTICLE]

Board Business

AT ITS Sept. 28 meeting in the auditorium of the state capitol, the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs rejected the Native Hawaiian Health Care Initiative for Kūpuna that would have offered Medicare Part B premium assistance along with screenings and other benefits. The trustees approved inelusion in the money monitor's contract of a provision for a "wrapped" rather than a "flxed" fee. They voted against a resolution to submit the puwalu project to the Administration for Native Americans for funding and in favor of submitting the Ho'oulu Mea Kanu native plant project. They selected Gladys Brandt and Harriet 0'Sullivan for the Ka Hā Mai Nāli'i'elua Award to be presented at 'Aha Kupuna. The trustees deferred a discussion on matching funding for the Maunalaha infrastructure development project. In executive session, because of the late hour, they also deferred a discussion of ceded land negot:ations. The board meeting scheduled for Oct. 22 was canceled due to laek of quorum. ■