Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 5, 1 May 1999 — Legislation [ARTICLE]
ĪHE LEGISLATURE, scheduled at press time to shut down on May 4, goes into its eleventh hour with six bills and one resolution still alive from, or related to, OHA's package of legislation.
— Among them is HB1095 providing for a review of OHA trustee salaries by a committee nominated by the governor and chaired by former Interim Trustee Gladys Brandt. Because of some procedural lapses on the part of the executive branch, the committee and its work will be subject after the fact to Senate confirmation during the next legislative session.
Currently winding its way through the process is HB499 whieh would allow the trustees to participate in the State Employees Retirement System, with the possibihty of contributing retroactively for service dating back to 1993. Also still under consideration in the House is HB1 146 whieh would waive fees for vital records required to prove Hawaiian ancestry to OHA or the Department of
Hawaiian Homelands. The Conference Committee met April 2 1 to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of HB 700, detailing the OHA budget, and will reach a decision April 23. Earlier in the day, OHA Government Affairs Officer Jalna Keala read into the record Trustee Mililani Trask's testimony opposing Seo LEGISLATION on page 9