Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 15, Number 6, 1 June 1998 — NOT INDIANS [ARTICLE]
In her April article, Noelle Kahanu obviously makes reference to the activities we Nā Kānaka Maoii Eia Ho'i Hawai'i served upon the state representative and federal officers regarding the hearing held here on Senate Bill 109 informing them of "constructive errors" regarding Native Hawaiians who are no longer federal tax slaves (U.S. Citizens). Thank you for informing us that Congress is considering our demand for "separate and independent standalone Native Hawaiian housing programs" rather than one established under the auspices of the Native Amenean housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act." Please get a copy of our service of process demand and read it. You'll understand why it is important to remain outside of the federal purview in these matters. Don't you realize that when (not if) our sovereign
Hawaiian Kingdom Nation (not a monarchy) is restored, Congress will be authorizing a multi-billion dollar "reformation-reconstruction bill" to assist us who remain adamantly outside the federal "Indian" (Native American) programs and insist on our own stand-alone policies? Lindsay L. Lindsey Wai'anae