Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 12, 1 December 1996 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I īeienee^O^^'^Honnouneeel. Kaono 1 I ,997. the loeohon en nave stud- 1 1 ls a gioup of men o lhey've cornmit- I led vdrtous s°u.ces o. lows^ce ^ ^ ,ows I ted to ©ducating th P l provide for sovereign y . Sovereignty Topicswi»includehowHdwa»^^.u «KWolheWemallonal eign en,mes of the I inform all Howaiian »vereign peop\e; HawalobJectives and w» be folian Conference_ The ^ present ,he„ lowed. All g.oups ore nmen, . Fo, lntormodel and d°"cep NOO ot 396-9379. or