Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 2, 1 February 1996 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

OHA Board Business

Nā Kuleana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai

By Deborah Ward Acting Public Information Officer

December 19, 1995 The Board of Trustees met at OHA's Honolulu office. All trustees were present. The meeting convened at 1 1:02 a.m. After approval of the agenda as amended and the minutes of the Oct. 31, 1995 board meeting, the board considered the following business matters: Legal counsel funding and selection ofOHA legal counsel The board voted, 7 ayes, 2 no, to approve the selection of Sherry Broder to represent OHA's Board of Trustees during fiscal year 1995-96. Voting yes were: Aiona, Akaka, Beamer, DeSoto, Kamali'i. Kealoha and Hee. Voting no were: Akana and Keale. The board voted, 7 ayes, 2 no. to appropriate the sum of $75,000 from trust funds for a contract to hire Sherry Broder as OHA attorney for fiscal year 1995-96, with the proviso that the counselor must submit for OHA records at the end of the term, a list of all contracts handled and opinions rendered. Voting yes were: Aiona, Akaka. Beamer, DeSoto, Kamali'i, Kealoha and Hee. Voting no were: Akana and Keale. Appointment and approval of conlract for OHA administrator The board voted, 8 ayes, 1 no, to suspend section 2.9 of the OHA Policy and Procedure Manual. to appoint Linda M. Colbum, acting administrator. to thc position of the OHA administrator and to approve a contract for a term from Oct. 26, 1995 through Dec. 31, 1996. The motion was amended to allow the Board of Trustees to ask the appointee questions at this time. There being no questions, the vote was taken on the main motion. Voting yes: Aiona, Akaka. Akana. Beamer, DeSoto. Kamali'i, Keale and Hee, Voting no: Kealoha. The board then voted, 7 ayes, 2 no, to approve a contract for the OHA administrator for a term from Oct. 26, 1995 through Dec. 31, 1996, as amended to reflect Dec. 19, 1995 as the date the majority of the Board of Tmstees approved the contract, subject to approval of legal counsel for conformance with statutes goveming Chapter 10 and other chapters of the Hawai'i Revised Statutes. Voting yes: Aiona, Akaka, Akana. DeSoto, Kamali'i, Kealoha and Hee. Voting no: Beamer and Keale. Da\'id Kaalakea, Jr. appropriationfor medical assistance The board voted unanimously to approve up to $4,000 to cover the costs of an artificial left leg for David Kaalakea, Jr. Beamer, Keale v. Hee, Akaka, Aiona, DeSoto, Kealoha. Civil No. 95-4466-12 The board voted, 8 ayes, 1 no, to have its counseI, Sherry Broder, file its brief in this case. Voting yes: Aiona, Akaka, Beamer, DeSoto, Kamali'i. Keale, Kealoha and Hee. Voting no: Akana. OHA resolution

The board unanimously approved a resolution agreeing to the State of Hawai'i Rental Housing Trust Fund Program application and conditions. Passage of this reso!ution makes OHA eligible to receive state funding for community planning, architectural work and equipment needed for OHA's Waimānalo Kūpuna Housing Project. Community concerns Mervina Cash Kaeo, of the Legal Aid Wai'anae office, approached the board regarding the General Assistance Program of the state Department of Human Services (DHS). That program provides financial assistance to people who are blind or disabled. She expressed eoneem that assistance to Hawaiians covered under the program may be cut off as of January 1996. She asked OHA to work with DHS on continuing services. This request was referred to OHA's Heahh and Human Services committee. (Editor's note: a judge's ruling in January 1996 ordered the state to eonūnue services for at least six months.) ,lanuar_v 12, 1996 The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees met on Jan. 12, 1996. All trustees were present except Trustee Moses Keale who was excused. Approval of vendorfor information campaign After approval of an amended agenda, trustees voted to select a vendor for an upcoming OHA educational campaign. The board voted, 5 ayes, 1 no, with two abstaining, to accept a proposal submitted by the puhlie relations firm Hill and Knowkon Hawaii ine. Trustees Beamer, Akaka, Aiona, Kamali'i and DeSoto voted in favor of the se!ection. Chairman Hee voted against it. Voting to abstain were trustees Akana and Kealoha.