Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 1, 1 January 1996 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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NO LAND, NO SOVEREIGNTY, NO CHANGE FOR HAWAIIANS The State of Hawai'i Plebiscite WHY THE PLEBISCITE WILL NOT BRING NEEDED CHANGE FOR THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLES •House Bill 3630 whieh created the plebiscite states "Nothing arising out of the Hawaiian convention provided for in this Act, or any results of the ratification vote on proposals from the Hawaiian convention, shall be app!ied or interpreted to supersede, conflict, waive, alter, or affect" the governmental structures and mechanisms of the State of Hawai'i. •H.B. 3630 whieh created the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council (HSEC) to oversee the State of Hawai'i Plebiscite ensured that the people would be powerless to change their status in the State. •The State of Hawai'i Plebiscite and the HSEC process will not provide any land for the Hawaiian peoples nor will it provide political, social and eeonomie rights for the people. The plebiscite and HSEC Con-Con maintain the status quo: Hawaiians will remain "Wards" under the State. Hawaiian lands (ceded and Hawaiian Home Lands) and revenues from those lands will remain under State control.
WHAT YOU CAN DO •BOYCOTT THE STATE OF HAWAI'I PLEBISCITE! •DO NOT VOTE IN THE PLEBISCITE! •DO NOT RETURN YOUR BALLOTS! •Tell your legislators not to support funding for HSEC. Urge them to put the funding into existing programs whieh deal with Native Hawaiian education, health and housing. The HSEC wants $571 ,000 this year and $6 million next year. •Educate yourselves about what is happening in the sovereignty movement. Closely examine the reasons why the State of Hawai'i and it's agent HSEC are rushing to hold a plebiscite. •Attend Ka Lāhui Hawai'i workshops. See calendar below and contact numbers on your island. (Next month: What is a plebiscite? Why a plebiscite is being held by the State?)
Ka Lāhui Hawai/i Calendar of Events For Tanuary 1996 Mauna'ala Ceremonies Satv Jan. 13 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Nu'uanu, O'ahu Kupuna Vigil Sat & Sun., Jan.l3 & 14 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. 'lolani Palaee Grounds •In Observance ofthe 103rd Year Since the Illegal Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom
Sovereignty Sunday Sunday, Jan. 14 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m, I Ke Ala Kūkahi 'Iolani Palaee Grounds • Entertainment -Dennis Pavao -Sudden Rush -Kawai Cockett ' -fohn Osorio -Keolalaulani Hālau 'Olapa 'O Laka And Others . . . •Speeches by Native Hawaiian Sovereignty & Community Leaders Ka Lāhui Hawai'i Workshop Month of January 1996 Lahaina, Māui (Time & Plaee To Be Announeeā, LookforUpcoming Newspaper and Radio Announcements)
For More Information, Fiease Calt Hawai'i 885-7677 Māui 242-6925 O'ahu 942-7607 Moleka'i 553-5110 Kaua'i & Ni'ihau 822-5613 Lāna'i 961-2888 San Francisco, CA (510) 559-881 1 Los Angeles, CA. (714> 761 -1282 San Diego, CA (619) 295-8762 Portland, OR (503) 235-5196 Las Vegas, NV (702) 222-0280 Salt Lake City, UT (801) 467-3594 Seattle, WA (206) 243-0306
This ad was paid for in part by Pono Kaulike and Trustee Samuel L. Kealoha, Jr. (Office ofHawaiian Affairs).